Just because the camera is hand held, doesn't make it dogma. Directors (like John Cassavetes to name one) have used hand held cameras long before von Trier "invented" it.
Dogma is based on 10 strict rules that have to be used to be classified as dogma. Amongst those rules are "no period"-dramas (which means the film has to take place in here and now). Together is set to 1975, but made in 2000; which means it is not dogma.
Another rule is: no music unless it fits into the filmuniverse (i.e. comes from a radio, tv, etc). In this film there's plenty of music (like Abbas SOS) that's played as soundtrack without belonging to the films here and now.
I could mention alot more, but I'm too lazy.... The points I've made should be adequate.
They blew up Congress!!! HAHAHA!