MovieChat Forums > Sexy Beast (2001) Discussion > What does the title mean?

What does the title mean?

I was rewatching this the other night, and found myself wondering why it's called Sexy Beast. Is it supposed to be ironic? Is it some sort of British slang term? It's a cool title, but I can't seem to figure out what it refers to in the movie.
When I think about Sexy Beast, I think about crazy ass Ben Kingsley, I think of the criminal underworld, I think of brutal violence, I think of revenge. None of that is sexy but I can see how all of that is beastly.




Try googling it.


I have! But all I find are film reviews, nothing that directly addresses the meaning of the title.


The poster says it all no? The "sexy beast" is ironically Gal; an overweight, oiled up, retired gangster who spends his days roasting under the sun.


I guess so... I can accept it being an ironic title, but I wonder if the filmmakers or cast have ever commented on the meaning of the title.
I’m gonna YouTube it and see what I find.


Couldn’t find nuthin.
Guess it’s up to viewer interpretation.


I think it is making fun at the Ray Winstone character.


Irony plays a big part of the gangster vernacular no matter what part of the world.

It's a play on all of the things you addressed exhibited in the gangster lifestyle that is neither noble or contrite, yet as you say, the title is pretty cool. The flamboyance and self-aggrandizing imagery of the gangster lifestyle is an alluring quality that many people gravitate to.


It's more symbolic than a mere description of Ray Winstone's character. I don't think it's calling him sexy, or anyone else in the film for that matter. It might however be describing his life as sexy.

In its simplest form "Sexy Beast" is a juxtaposition of good and bad. It's an oxymoron. The good is "Sexy", and the bad is "Beast". When you apply that to the film, the "sexy", or good, is represented by the happy retired life that Gal is living, spending his time with the woman he loves and his pals in a hot and sunny Spain, and the bad or "beast" is represented firstly in a literal form as the beastly psychopathic bully that is Don Logan, coming to upset Gal's happy life, and more figuratively as Gal's criminal past catching up with him. I think it's further highlighted by the film's poster, where you see Gal sunbathing and relaxing, while the shadow of Don looms overhead with what looks like a gun in his hand. That's how I interpret it anyway.


Thank you for your thoughtful response!
I never saw the title in a symbolic way, I really just thought it was some kind of hip English slang, something people might use in conversation, but your interpretation gives me a lot more to consider.


Worst title and poster for a decent movie ever. Totally misleading.
Perhaps it is slang for "getting revenge on the producers of a movie you chose the title for"


Like someone else mentioned, the title is strange and off-putting.

I thought it was a reference to that hairy, impish demon that keeps popping up in Gal’s dreams.


" the reality is that the beast is the lifestyle itself. The word "sexy" means primal just as much as it does attractive in this situation. This is a dangerous but alluring profession, and if you aren’t careful, it will get to you—even if you are the baddest of the bad."



Violence is exciting.
