This movie shot it's load in the first 2 minutes
Maybe one of the best opening scenes ever in a movie.....then it went NOWHERE!!!!
shareMaybe one of the best opening scenes ever in a movie.....then it went NOWHERE!!!!
sharei must respectfull disagree. A movie whos climax includes a gufight with bags and bags of money, a woman in labor, her lover and father - goes "somewhere."
Not to mention tefact that this could have beena plotless film and I'd still dig itdu to the fine writing. This is a personal thing - but if you enjoy visual art - ou don't lament and edward hopper for lack of going somewhere - youjust admire it's quality.
i must respectfull disagree. A movie whos climax includes a gufight with bags and bags of money, a woman in labor, her lover and father - goes "somewhere."
Not to mention tefact that this could have beena plotless film and I'd still dig itdu to the fine writing. This is a personal thing - but if you enjoy visual art - ou don't lament and edward hopper for lack of going somewhere - youjust admire it's quality.
I have to agree with the OP. It was a good plot, but far too drawn out. I was surprised to find myself waiting for it to end.
It's all fun and games until someone gets caught. Then it's larceny.
two words:
James Caan.
an arthouse gallery existential experimental character piece.--carrotnaan
Hey OP, I think it takes more than 2 minutes for them to go blow their loads for's more like 5 minutes
Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.
It has an explosive opening, but then turns into one of the most profound examinations of crime and violence in the last thirty years of cinema. OP, I do not respect your opinion on film.
In Southeast Asia we call this type of thing 'bad karma.'
I bought the bluray on the strength of the opening scene, no questions asked. Only made it through 30 mins before losing interest.
"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"