.... of course the story itself was stupid.
And yet when the Church
really does disappear and the world collapses into chaos unprepared people like Cappolis will be falling all over themselves trying to remember the plot of "stupid" movies like Tribulation because they have nothing else to draw from. They'll also be desperately seeking Bibles which by then may be in short supply due to a ban by the powers-that-be.
People may mock prophecy movies
now but one day they'll realize the warnings contained in these stories were biblicaly valid and no laughing matter.
The Kingdom of God is coming but first He will judge the rebellious inhabitants of the earth who hate Him. His wrath is not something I'd wish on anyone. Christian preachers {"loud" or otherwise} and film makers with low budgets are only attempting to sound the alarm before it's too late. What folks do with the information is between them and God.
And the dead shall be raised incorruptible,and we shall be changed.~1 Corinthians 15:52