Right now, I'm taking a class about the Apocalypse, and this is one of the movies that we're watching to illustrate different ideas about it. I think that everybody in my class finds it pretty laughable so far (literally -- we are all continuously laughing out loud) but I guess that it's pretty entertaining so far. Amusing.
Hey there, big puffy version of Junebug! - Mac MacGuff
Sounds like a fascinating class! Of course, any idea about the Apocalypse is going to be tied to notions of hysteria. This is just one of the more absurd examples.
"First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red."
You know, was a little too harsh to the actors and Jack Van Imp is the more quiet of the ministers that believe this. When my good for nothing ex husband would go to sleep, I would stay up and do housework and study and sometimes I saw it and watched it. They were very calm and silent. I think it was nonsense, but at least they weren't screaming their heads off.
It was interesting in the fact that it could promote a good educational conversation about the whole concept where no one would get mad. I use to know places where that happened. People just had their views and that was fine.
From what I know of the "Rapture" it is not as these people portray. ALL of us go. Someone once told me the idea of the "Rapture" was actually taken from some story, but I don't know if the story exists or not. Van Imp I don't mind, it is John Hagee I can't stand.
My daughter was terrorized with this stuff, with Hagee and the rapture and she was just a child. This stuff is scary to a 7-year-old. Besides, I called one person I know from their and it is required that you be stupid to work there. My daughter, now 16, stabbed her father because of all this. That and the fact he was beating her, which in Texas is alright because I begged them to get involved.
From what I know of the "Rapture" it is not as these people portray. ALL of us go.
Not true. When the Lord is ready to pour out judgment on this world He will do so because mankind has given Him no choice with their hatred & rejection of Him.
Before this happens He will take His church {all true believers since the Cross, living and dead} into His kingdom. The Greek word for this "snatching away" of the living Christians is harpazo which was later translated in Latin as "rapturo" which became "rapture". This event is biblical and it WILL happen but only for the saved. No person who has unrepentant sin in their hearts is suitable for God's perfect, sinless kingdom. They will not be raptured because they chose to reject Christ. Simple as that.
The hour is late for Planet Earth. The Lord is coming back to rescue His own and to punish the wicked. What will your choice be?
And the dead shall be raised incorruptible,and we shall be changed.~1 Corinthians 15:52 reply share