what was this one

I seem to remember an episode in which part of the plot involved a girl getting braces. I seemed ot reemmber that her name was Kelly. I looked up the After School Specials and found "Where Do Teenagers Come From?" The girl wonders what is happening to her as she reaches adolescence. Was this the one? It does not appear to be on any of the DVDs that have been released.


I haven't seen a movie like this, but the book The Trouble with Wednesdays is about a girl getting braces and her dentist molests her. Sounds like something a movie could be made from.


I never heard of that book until now, but its plot doesn not sound like the special I seem to be remembering. Don't recall any molesting of any sort in this special.


I just now looked up that book. It came out in 1986. The special I recalled aired around 1980. So it can't be based on that book.
