The Hero Who Couldn't Read - a true story
I don't know if this particular show is based on a true story or not but I remember hearing about a college basketball player who was also functionally illiterate who quit college so that he could return to grade school to learn how to read and write. In what was, in my opinion, the greatest act of courage I have personally ever seen, the newscast showed this tall 6-foot 6-inch grown man in the same classroom as six- and seven-year-old children. I don't remember this former player's name but I saw this episode recently and I am wondering if anyone out there is also familiar with this player's story. If you do, can you please tell me his name? I'm not a big sports fan but this man is my favorite athlete. Not because of his athletic accomplishments but because of what he did outside the basketball court. He is a true inspiration for all of us and I would like to learn his name. Thanks in advance.
PS. I also loved these specials and used to watch them long after I had finished school. Yes, it's a shame that they are not shown anymore. Even the dvds are out of print and ABC has not announced if they will release them again.