MovieChat Forums > ABC Afterschool Specials (1972) Discussion > Why did they ever cancel this show?

Why did they ever cancel this show?

Stupid newer generation! The world has been going downhill since the turn of the century.

Class of '76 Rules! USA
ELO, Ford Pintos & All in the Family


I was remembering the Cloris Leachman episode, "The Woman who willed a Miracle", and am familiar with the Bernie Kopell "The Day My Kid went Punk" ; I think it is a sad shame(Waaaah!)

about today's media.

I Do Miss these great heartwarmers


I think the answe lies in one of the other ABC Programming wonders:

"As your body grows bigger .. your mind grows stronger ...It's great to read for knowledge is power!"

I was of that child generation for the ABC After School Specials and The Children's Film Fesitval on CBS and they opened the world for me. I think I know many of the things I know because of these series, and being able to watch them with my parents or friends and talk to our parents about them.

Why was it cancelled? Many reasons: Money. The writers stike in the 80's. Production costs in the USA. The New President of Daytime Programming at ABC. Disney buying ABC, the target audience grew up and they never marketed it to the next audience, The Reagan/Bush Administration and the nut case woman who went to Washington in the 80's and changed Broadcast Children's programming FOREVER. And the reason: it just didn't attact the viewership it had when there were only three channels to look at.

HBO is who picked this format up and produced "Lifestories", trying to carry on the tradition. And rightfully so. Cable was becoming king. HBO was smearing it in Broadcast televison's face that there WAS an audience for children's/family programming with relevant issues when ABC and CBS pulled the plug.

I don't want to be altered - I want to remain ugly.


I really enjoyed the afterschool specials . After a hard day at school, they could be informative and entertaining. Like someone stated, they just don't make them like that anymore.


You're trying to blame Reagan-Bush for the cancellation of this show? For the love of God, try to be less stupid and uninformed.

What really happened was that in the early 90s, the syndicated Oprah Winfrey Show was running on many ABC affiliates, and those stations were making more running Oprah (i.e. better ratings) than running the twice-monthly Afterschool Special. So more and more stations stopped showing the specials, and they became unprofitable. So ABC finally cancelled the show. The show was cancelled long before Disney bought ABC.

This had nothing to do with Reagan. But of course, there's no shortage of stupidity in the world. Try to educate yourself and stop spouting off about things you have no clue about. I know this is difficult because of your ignorance, but please give it a shot.


How can people blame Regan when it was all the fault of the high ratings of Oprah?

They're on DVD but I wish they had the openings sequences on the DVD. The one I have is from 1981-82 season. They are great to watch. I wish they would bring them back. Being apart of film in college I would love to make one.



Plus the OJ Simpson trial didn't help things neither IMO.

What i mean by that is after the trial stations tried to cash in by creating a bunch of syndicated daytime court shows and stuff.


I was born when they were still making Afterschool Speicals but I don't remember it too well. I have DVD's of it and found it great. I wish they had stuff like this now. I know I maybe a little too old for it now,but I think that teens and pre-teens really need this. People my age and a little younger need to watch something with meaning.

I honestly think they could go a few days out of a season run and show this instead of day to day nothing topics really on "Oparh".

I think at least NICK should show something like this. Kids today found a talking sponge interesting. This is sad. I agree with the person who said they would like to make their own special. I would like to do the same thing.


I love it when dumb people try to sound smart.

Reagan and Bush lol. You are aware by the time this series ended Reagan had been out of office several years and Bush served his one term right? Show also ended way after the 80s so I don't get why anything from that decade was brought up.

Yes production costs can cancel a show even if still somewhat successful. However a show like this is quite cheap.

You really have no idea what's going on. Here's some advice. Don't comment on things you clearly don't know anything about.
