Other then the ones released (in the trapper keepers and the school bus box set). Does anyone know where I can get more episodes of the after school specials? Are they all available somewhere? I love this show.
Let me know if you have any info on getting the rest of the episodes.
I happened to research a bit and found one site Google claims: ovguide.com
Also, long as you know the title... Try youtube. I've already searched one of my faves, starring FAME's Lee Curreri with Trini Alvarado titled, 'Starstruck' (1981). It's in segments, but still available on youtube.
Let me know if you find one! Why don't they have a boxed set of all of them? Is it because they were made by different production companies?
I can't help feeling, once again, that our generation is constantly overlooked. You can bet that all the Baby Boomer tv shows are out on video and in circulation. Now when you read an article or news story about different generations they talk about "Baby boomers vs. Millennials" as if Gen X never happened!
I know there are fewer of our generation than the ones we are sandwiched between, but most of us would LOVE to buy all of these things if they would just release them.
To have the first two seasons of Family released SEVEN YEARS AGO in 2006 and the third, fourth and fifth seasons not having come out yet makes me furious!
I think eventually we'll see more and more of this stuff. Companies like Shout Factory are doing a great job with stuff you might have never thought would come out. Just have to make noise on the net, discuss the shows on forums, write these companies....
The rights are more than likely the reason there will never be a single legal source. As the properties are all scattered about the place.
Certain companies have more incentive than others to release other things. Shout Factory goes after some older shows that are less remembered but within limits. That to also say sometimes certain distrubtors like that have distinct preferences against things that you would think they'd might target but don't.
Or perhaps the individual holders can get the right amount of steam. Two made by Hanna Barbera are now available, and mostly because WB has realized even their obscurer work can sell.
So really kicking up the right ammount of steam to a scooper like SF, or getting the rights holders to realize "hey we'll pay for this", are the best ways to get some stuff up and out there.
Communities left for being too closeminded: Gamefaqs, Home Theater Forum, Toonzone
I've been trying to get all episodes for a few years. I have the ones that are on DVD. You can find them on Amazon. Just search Afterschool Specials DVD. Many others are found on Youtube. Just search "Afterschool specials full episodes". I use Wondershare UniConverter to download them. I found over 38 on there that are not included on the DVD.