Tess and her powers *spoilers*
I watched this show when it originally aired and have rewatched it numerous times since it was cancelled. But the one thing I can't seem to understand is what exactly are the parameters of Tess's powers. The only other person whose specific powers are shown is Isabel. But the limits of her power seems more obvious: it's harder for her to walk into someone's subconscious when they're awake; if the person is drugged, it's harder to communicate with them; people can tune her out if they don't want her rummaging around in their minds.
Michael's full power potential is never displayed. We know no rock stands a chance against him and that he can change his fingerprints. Then, of course, that he can kill people, but we don't know if it's only Michael that can do these things or all of the hybrids.
Max heals (though it's implied that Michael and Isabel can do it too). He gains the force field power in season two.
They all seem to be able to unlock doors and "change the molecular structure" of things (although, it's explained in the pilot that Max healed Liz by changing the molecular structure of the bullet and it doesn't seem like any of the other hybrids can heal, except maybe Tess when she heals Max's face after the skins kill Nasaedo, but that's the only time anyone else is shown to have that kind of ability). They also all seem to have some form of telekinesis.
The limit on Tess's powers, however, is never fully discussed. In the beginning, she makes people see/feel what she wants. I say feel because there was a quote in one of the episodes right after Max kisses her that implies she made him feel an urge to be with her. In the episode where the skins take over Roswell, her mind warp becomes deadly, somehow starting as a mind warp but escaping into real life and obliterating the skins that were holding the hybrids hostage. Later in season two, we find out the mind warp is how she got Alex to decode the alien book for her. But that seems beyond the capability of someone who basically doubles as an illusionist; that's heading into mind control territory.
I know it seems crazy to think about it but it's something I've thought about every time I rewatch the series, which happens more often during the summer, when nothing else is coming on.
Would/could/should have or would/could/should've... Not would/could/should of.