I think I've spotted all of Pipes' 'cameo' appearances; anyone got any more?
1. In video footage of girl's bedroom; figure seen against curtains on 2nd playing of the tape (after callers draw attention to it), but isnt there in the original playing, or the 3rd (in slow motion)!
2. shadowy figure over parapsychologist's shoulder as audio tape of ghost's voice is played in studio.
2. Pipes visible standing between two women in crown as Craig Charles approaches Arthur Lacey outside (you see him twice, but its fleeting on both occasions).
3. visible in reflection in french window as Sarah Greene picks up daughter's picturse from floor.
4. seen clearly against bedroom curtains; camera pans back quickly, and he's gone!
5. I'm not sure about this one; when they un-board the cellar door and open it for the 1st time, you can see, for a couple of frames, the edge of 'someone.' This COULD be Pipes; it could also be a cast member whose job is to pull the door shut! Hard to tell... any thoughts?
6. standing on gantry below spotlight that explodes in studio.
That's all i can remember right now. Has anyone spotted any others?
On a more general note, this programme scared the crap outta me when i was 11.... and i still found it frightening, although to a lesser extent, when i watched it recently. Worth seeing, although the acting of the mother and the older daughter in particular is pretty transparent.