Am I the only one who...
...didn't really find anything wrong with this movie per se? I was bored one night, and wasn't looking for an Oscar winner or nominee or anything, just something light and entertaining. Found this. Also, while I am a middle aged female, I'm not the world's biggest female anything fan. Don't really listen to female singers, am not really a female movie star fan, etc. I just tend to like the males more, yet, yet, I found everyone in this movie to be entertaining and pleasant. Odd for me, I admit. But the movie is overall decent, Tyra is actually funny in this, short of a time as she's in it, and I've always liked Maria Bello.
So, don't judge too terribly harshly, and don't judge harshly because the folks ahead of you did. Don't follow trends. No one with any grown up sense or common courtesy is reading this to judge you, they don't know you... They are simply reading, just like you do, or I do. The more verbally abusive ones should just be ignored. I have an odd mental picture of the snarly ones as being the chubby types perhaps, or very young types, with few friends maybe, sitting in mom and dad's basement, and snarling at the rest of us because they haven't anything more interesting to do... Cut 'em some slack. Don't engage, and they'll drift off to pick on others, or they'll grow up and start to actually engage with the rest of us in a more pleasant fashion.
"Talk to me
Acknowledge me
Confide in me
Confess to me ... or
Leave me be
Leave me be..."