MovieChat Forums > The West Wing (1999) Discussion > How did Andy get pregnant?

How did Andy get pregnant?

Did she and Toby hook up? Did they do IVF again? Was this ever explained?


Season 4 Episode 5 "Debate Camp" is the one showing them going to an IVF clinic.

All the world is a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.


That was a flashback to before they divorced. It's never explicitly stated, but he knocked her up out of wedlock, the cad.



I always thought she used frozen sperm from their past attempt, but I haven't seen it recently. I guess I presumed that was the reason for showing the flashback about the need for a fertility clinic. The fact that it was twins also makes it credible that it was done via a treatment.

Also, it would be unlikely for her to get pregnant naturally if they had a determined need for the procedure and she was determined to do it with the specific timing of wanting to be sued!


I just figured it was a silly twist of fate. "You can't get pregnant while you're married, but get divorced and bam, TWO babies!"


Toby knocked her up. It's not explicitly stated, but there were definitely a few indications I think in the one where they're at the hospital getting the ultrasound. The IVF treatment scenes were all years in the past.

And it just doesn't seem to make any sense to me that Andi would divorce Toby because of how sad he was, and that she'd even worry about the effect that would have on possible kids and how Toby would be as a father, and that she'd then intentionally choose him as the sperm donor for her kids. But if they had a random post-divorce hookup, and it happened to take, and Andi's always wanted to be a mother and has had trouble conceiving, she wouldn't look the gift horse in the mouth.


That 'sad' business drove me crazy, because Toby is my favorite character. So he has gravitas, I prefer that to the glib giddy type. Although I must confess buying a million dollar house without telling her beforehand was uncharacteristically manipulative and risky.


That, right there, is why I don't like Andi. The fact that she divorced Toby isn't it; I can kind of see her point, even though I like Toby. But then she continues with her hell-for-leather determination to squeeze out a baby and thus proceeds to take take take from the man she'd *divorced*. She demands his baby-batter, expects this "sad" man to be a father for at least 18 years while providing all kinds of support, but won't give an inch on anything *he* wants from the relationship.

Yeah, the bit with the house was a little manipulative on Toby's part, but it was also a heartfelt effort. And I get why she didn't eagerly lap up *that* particular gift. Still, Andi was all about Andi, and she was a b!tch about it.


Except, I don't think that's what happened. I think they just hooked up post-divorce (in most of their interactions there was definitely some flirtation to it) and it took, and she got pregnant. Based on her feelings toward him revealed in 25, I find it unthinkable she'd intentionally choose him to be the father of her baby. So, yeah, if they had sex, and she got pregnant, he absolutely does have a responsibility to be a father for the next 18 years, and I don't think it does entitle him to get to be in a relationship with her if that's not what she wants...


Well, that's one speculation. That said, if you're divorcing someone and you hook up anyway, two intelligent people would put a tiny bit of forethought into silly things like birth control, because bringing a baby (or two, as it turned out) into that mess is a really freakin' dumb idea. Ask anyone with divorced parents, or who got to juggle kids while dealing with the big D.

Of course, if you're so baby-rabid that you've been throwing money at forcing your faulty reproductive systems to work, there just might be a little bitty "mishap" re: any aforementioned birth control. Oopsie!

So she ends up getting what she'd wanted-- the almighty loin-spawn-- and he stands around with his damp dong in his hand until he's summoned forth to dispense money, childcare, or whatever else she decides she needs at the moment.

He was in love with her, which seemed to trump even his ballsiness in standing up to the POTUS on a semi-regular basis. That said, in his place I'd tell her to stuff her premenopausal princess attitude and go find some drunk dudebro to get her up the duff, if she needed to grunt out a kid so badly.

For the record, I'm not antinatalist. I am, however, one of those scary mean weird people who believe a LOT more thought and preparation should go into bringing more humans into this messed-up world. "Because I WANT one" is a really stupid, selfish reason. Most of us would go to prison if we did half the things we WANT to do just because we WANTED to do them, especially if they had long-term repercussions (like, say, 18+ years or so).


Except during a random hookup forethought isn't something that tends to be on peoples minds. Or thought in general for that matter.


Fantastic! Middle-aged adults who both let the emotion of the moment overwhelm all reason are perfectly suited to be parents, congresspeople, and White House staffers.


I don't think that is what happened, but even if it was how they got pregnant, what couple after years of infertility would worry about birth control?

and a reminder that Andy timed it perfectly for what she wanted.


To me, the most obvious implication that this was a natural conception was when someone asked Toby if he was the father, and he said "yes." Then Josh asked, "Both of them?" And Toby, ignoring the humor, said rather proudly, "Yes."
