I like this show but...

...I can not stand Toby. It just seems like he's always whining and whenever he has something to be happy about (like the birth of his kids) he can't show any happy emotion.

Anybody else not able to stand him?


*raises hand*


He's grown on me. The only thing I dislike and can't get over is his whole self-righteous thing.


I like Toby, but then I'm pretty self-righteous myself, so I get that whole "Nature is what we are placed in this world to rise above" vibe.


During the original run, someone asked what Winnie the Pooh character would the staff and some suggested:

Toby - Eeyore
Josh - Tigger
Donna - Piglet
Jed - Owl

All the world is a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.


Love this!

Trying to fit Leo into that. He's hardly Christopher Robin, but - maybe that's where the analogy falls apart.


Nothing to see here, move along.


Minority view, so far. No. Toby is one of my favorites, always has been, always been able to stand him. Then again, I don't get called on when I have my hand raised, either.

Wish I could grow a beard like that, though. On the other hand, I'm not balding.

"The past is never dead. It isn't even past." -- William Faulkner


He has one of my favorite quotes where he says he is tired of feeling like the kid in class with his hand raised that no one wants the teacher to call on.


He's my least favorite character.


I always liked Toby but he did get very whiny, especially in the last couple of seasons. I don't think the actor was very happy with the direction they took his character in the last few seasons which is one reason he managed to get himself written out of most of the final season.

On my most recent re-watch I remember thinking that the way his character arc went during the final season it wouldn't have been surprising if he'd ended up committing suicide. I wonder whether that was under consideration but changed after Leo died. Or they wanted to do that but were trapped by the fact that the opening scene of season 7 showed that Toby survived.


I'm still working on Season 1, so my Toby-Experience is somewhat small. But I didn't pay him too much mind until he was involved in locating the family of the homeless Korean Veteran. He really touched my heart, and gave me some insight into the person he really is.

Not only did he donate to Goodwill (a major plus, in my book!!) he took the responsibility for a fellow soldier, although they were not in the same war or branch of the Military. I have a huge soft spot for Veterans, and I cried my eyes out all thru this episode. My daddy was in Korea, too. Had that same tattoo, although he wouldn't ever really discuss it much.

"Let's eat Granny!! Let's eat, Granny!!"
Punctuation matters.
