DVD Update! (2/14/2005)

All right! Here is some good news! In the past, I have received e-mails from people who claim to work at TVOntario, but I was always unsure as to their authenticity. Well, how about this? I received this e-mail today from somebody with an @tvontario.org e-mail address. Read on:

Hi Derek,

I just wanted you to know, that I hand delivered the TVOntario DVD proposals last week. They are currently being budgeted as to how much these DVDs will cost to re-commission. It is definitely going to be a long-term process (2 months...just to budget!).

However, you may be pleased to know that your petition has been shown to a number of possible "key" investors who have shown interest in producing a Today's Special DVD. The good people in Sales and Marketing are trying their best to find an affordable solution, so we're gonna have to give them time.

Anyways, once again. I must thank you for the wonderful job that you did with the petition. You've created quite the buzz at TVOntario ~ as well as support! I will let you know of any further developments.

Take care,

And don't forget to go to http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/derekb27 to show support for this!!


That is fabulous! Let's hope they kow that this really is good for them and that it will come to pass. TS is in fact their most popular show, and has had the widest distribution. With 1980s especially family and children's entertainment really making comebacks in a big way, let's cross our fingers for this one.


Would they release it in the states?


Let's sincerely hope so. That would make up for what I have heard about them cutting episodes in the States (little bits, it's still seamless so you're oblivious to it happening). Anyway, that's the main problem I think TVO and other even not-for-profit comapnies becoming more interested in making money. All they're interested is making the most money at the least risk. Urrgh! I don't know about you, but that upsets me. It's let so many good things go into oblivion.


Hey, well, I signed the petition. I'd really like to get my hands on a DVD set. I have about 30-50 episodes on VHS. They are certainly NOT high quality. We taped like 6 on one VHS and paused the recorder during ads, but occasionally we missed a few seconds here and there and we generally did not record the entire opening or closing credits. My dad also started taping over episodes which I really regret now. There are also spots where the tracking is horrible. However, it will have to do for now I guess. Hmmm... this gets me to thinking I should try to convert these VHS to files on my computer.


I hope this comes out. This was my favorite show when I was a kid. I used to watch it everyday. Now I hope they do put it out so my daughter can see it. I loved Muffy the mouse and I know she would too!! In fact, I could never remember the name of the show when I was little, so I always called it "Muffy"!! LOL!! Hope it is issued in the states!!


I imagine it would, as that seems to be the main factor in any DVD getting made for North America these days- if the American people can get it and will buy it as much as possible. I think that would be a deciding factor. That's not really an issue in my books, unless we get one of the shorter, cut down US edits, or if US sales prevent all the seasons from coming out. With all the Jim Henson stuff coming out, I'm sure they can think of something. :)



that's awesome! i hope this goes through! i really would buy the dvd collection...no matter what price it would be.
