Waldo the Magnificent

A couple friends and I were discussing Today's Special today. We were trying to remember details about a particular episode. I guess the spell cast by Waldo the Magnificent that made Jeff half human / half mannequin was about to expire so the TS gang goes into some kind of alternate universe to get an elixer that would turn Jeff fully human.

Does anyone else remember this one? Any trivia about who Waldo was, why he 'made' Jeff or about any of the challenges they faced in the alternate universe would be both much appreciated and full-on hilarious.


The gang goes to a castle to find a red potion to cure waldo
of a disease he had known as "Shrinkitis"-- in the episode
"Adventure". There was never an episode where an elixer
was to be found to make jeff fully human..it would make a great
episode though!! Or a great sequal to "Adventure"!!


Ahhh yeah! Thanks. My memory definitely warped that story line a bit. "Shrinkitis", heheh, I remember that now.


There wasn't really a specific reason he made Jeff, it was more seeing through an unforseen circumstance.

He was experimenting with his spell book and enchanted an old hat he found discarded by the roaside. The hat got away from him and flew away; he followed it as it eventually went into the store and landed on Jeff's head. The hat enchanted Jeff, giving him the ability to move but not think. Waldo was all for taking the hat back but at the urging of the others he instead cast a spell that would bring Jeff fully to life and make him intelligent.

His first attempt missed it's mark and hit Jeff's feet making them "smart" (hence the dancing ability), his second attempt actually worked and brought Jeff to life but only while he was wearing the hat. Waldo made a deal with the others, saying he couldn't stay so he was trusting them to teach Jeff about the outside world and when Waldo came back he would take Jeff with him and show him the world.
