MovieChat Forums > Today's Special (1981) Discussion > We need 1,000 signatures BEFORE Oct. 24,...

We need 1,000 signatures BEFORE Oct. 24, 2005!!!

On Oct. 24, 2005, it will be the one-year anniversary of the "Today's Special" petition (at Many people have signed and I am grateful to each and every one of you. I have been, sporadically, hearing from TVO, and they are still slowly (yes, this is a long-term process) working on things.

If you have NOT YET signed the petition, please do! If you've already signed, you could get at least three other fans you know and get them to sign. If everybody helps out just a little bit, we will definitely make it to the 1,000 mark before Oct. 24.

What I DON'T want you to do is to sign the list a half dozen times by yourself using different names. For one, that takes legitimacy away from the petition and actually hurts the cause.

I realize it's hard to keep faith when so much time goes by without hearing of any new developments, but trust me ... it will be worth it!

- Derek Bontreger


Where is the petition? I loved this show growing up. It would be great to have these episodes for my further children to watch.


It's at:

There's also an option to send it out to four email addresses at a time, so while you're there, please get some friends on board! We want to show those in power how much this show still means to people and get some quality family shows back in the living rooms of North America. Thanks again!


I signed the petition without even knowing about it from IMDB. I ran across it while trying to find the theme song to the show on a search browser. I absolutely miss this show and wish it was still on tv. As I said in my petition signature - its timeless.


DO they sell dvds yet.


No, it seems that they need to really make sure that it will be a surefire thing, so that's why we're aiming for the goal of 1000 signatures by the 24th. At last count it was at 974, so please, if you haven't done so, please sign the petition, and also if you can, send it to your friends (you can send it to four email addresses at a time). I would truly love to see this happen, and a reunion show, and perhaps reruns on TV. But any one of those things I think would be fantastic. Although I still think the DVD idea is the best, because that way, it would be out there for people to see, whether or not its being broadcast.

Please sign @ if "Jem and the Holograms", "The Muppet Show", "Fraggle Rock", "The Raccoons" and soon "Get Smart" and "Super Mario Bros./ Zelda" can come to DVD (after much time being pretty much in TV oblivion), I see no good reason why TS couldn't or shouldn't be given its fair shot.


Michelle AKA Synergy-5


Any word on how many signatures we actually got on the petition? Also, any word on what will be happening with releases, are there going to be seasons? I'm dying here!
THanks :)


There are, as of now, 1393 signatures. No word yet on releases, though. I hear that "they" who are the people in charge of such things are beginning to listen to us, though (*crossed fingers*). Let's hope we'll hear some good news soon!



