Sam's Computer, TXL share similarities with KITT!!!!!
I don't know why, but TXL reminds me of KITT
from Knight Rider!!!!
KITT is a talking car-- TXL is
a talking computer---!!!
TXL was sort of conceited
but very kind and loyal to Sam...
And KITT was very kind and loyal to Michael!!!
One of Sam's lines in the episode "Storms"
is "Oh TXL, I thought I lost you! I don't know what
I would do without you!!".. the way he delivers the line it
seems like he's attracted to her or has like a very close
bond with her!!! It could be her voice!!!
Michael is always bickering with KITT, and
they keep a closefull watch for each other!!
TXL sort of has a voice that might turn a guy on--sort of sexy!!
Hey TXL should hook up with KITT!!!!