It is highly speculated with "TS" fans (as well as some who work at TVOntario) that this show has a shot at coming to DVD--now, more than ever. Please check out the blog at [email protected] for updates.
That's pretty cool, I also see there that Jeff Hyslop is now involved as well. The new "Muppet Show" season set is coming out this season, and I know that so many people, particularly in Canada, loved the show. I would love it to come out on disc especially so that we can all have them for whenever we want. I have also heard things about Jeff doing a Clive Vanderburgh/TS CD, and maybe that could also mean the original cast album being issued on CD too- especially when and if DVDs are issued. Anyway, Derek, this is great news! I will be writing to TVO and Nina shortly about this.