"Today's Special" is one of those show you loved as a child. YEARS go by and then one day when you're all gown up :Boom: the dude Jeff pops up in your head and then you hear the theme song. And you wonder if this show ever really existed or was it all in your head. So you go online to look the show up and find out, wow, it DID exist and there are other people who are familiar with it as well.
Wow. I have not seen or thought about this show in who knows how long!
This is exactly what happened to me today. Something reminded me of Jeff and his magical hat that brought him to life and I thought, wait, was that a real show? And sure enough, it was.
I'd love to watch some old episodes on DVD, if they ever become available.
That happened to me around 6 years ago when I was 18. I hadn't thought about TS in about 10 years. Then all of a sudden, I remembered, and got all these warm feelings remembering it and what it meant to me as a child. Treehouse TV then started running it for a little over a year, then it mysteriously disappeared once more. TVO is being really stupid in not letting kids be exposed to such timeless stuff that brought so many families and friends together. So many shows from that time are coming out- Jem, He-Man, She-Ra, the Muppets, Care Bears, even the bloody "Raccoons", which was always an even more obsure show, have had their chance to come back on DVD or even as reruns on TV. BTW, blankm, there is a pretty large petition I am promoting that is meant to show the execs in charge at TVO just how much we would love DVDs, and maybe even a reunion show. It's at http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/derekb27 I hope you'll sign and even get some others to sign, too. It needs all the help it can get to make this happen.
I signed it too!! I am obsessed with this show!!! And want Season sets of all 7 seasons!!! Wheather it was aimed at kids or not does not matter...it's not getting the DVD treatment it so truly and rightly deserves!!!
Long live Jeff, Jodie, Muffy, Sam,Mort, Waldo, TXL, Mrs Pennypacker, and The Mime Lady!!
haha, yeah, the only thing i remember about this show is the beginning when they're going down/up the escalator with the mannequin...i was convinced for a couple of years there that this was just a figment of my imagination :P
I don't remember much - not even the theme song, and it took forever for me to remember the name of the show - but I very much remember the mannequin who was alive until his hat got knocked off! And the lady who was one of the main characters... and I definitely remember Sam, particularly a time when he was alone in the store and every time he started walking around he heard footsteps! And Muffy the mouse, making tuna surprise (the surprise was that there was no tuna!)
This show totally gave me warm feelings growing up. I only think about it once and awhile. I remember Muffy the mouse and Sam krenshaw. I would love to hear the theme song. I slightly remember the sound of it but, if I could hear the song it would take me back. I was only 4 in 1987 when the show ended, but I really remember watching it all the time. Such a great show.
This and Pinwheel were the bee's knees for me back in the 80s. Recently I've been taking a little time out to research that which I forgot for many years. Two things that came to mind happened to be the infamous "Pinaball segment" of Sesame Street where they sing "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12... doodododoo doo doo..." and such. Another was Grover's job as a waiter, always serving that little bald moustached man the wrong order. This little nuggest of joy seem to send ripples of nostalgia back through my body. I might've forgotten the Pinball segment, not watching it in, say, probably 20 years, but the second the song started up, I recalled EVERY SINGLE WORD to the song. THAT'S powerful nostalgia. The same goes for Today's Special. See clips, listening to the songs, it's all so memoriable to me. Not so as me looking at it through an adult's point of view, but looking at it through a child's point of view, innocent and full of wonder. Kinda like in the Santa Clause movie when Judge Reinhold's character finally gets his Oscar Meyer weeny whistle. It's magic.
haha thats awesome that you remember the pinball segment, it randomly popped into my head the other day. It's truly amazing what sticks into your head after all these years, but hell it got me to count to 12 lol
The only thing that got me to remember this show was Under Siege 2 some time ago. Seeing Eric Bogosian's poofy hair makes him look like Jeff the Mannequin. Suddenly, it makes me bust out jokes about loosing his hat (enter fading magic noise) and singing hocus-pocus, alamo docus.
By the way, the Pinball segment was actually parodied on Family Guy ( just like everything else) when Stewie was believed to have a bad imune deficiency, and was forced to live in a plastic hamster bubble. The scene comes up near the end when he explaines his day. just picture the pinball with him rolling in it. I laughed so hard when I first saw that scene.
I remember the pinball segment and have great memories of it. I swear I heard this segment on one of my local radio stations a few weeks ago. The station was doing something, but I can't remember what it was now.
I remember hardly anything about this show...except about the mannequin Jeff coming to life. We watched it in grade school (I'm 28) and I remember really liking it. I think I watched it in 1st grade and 2nd grade. Good times! So it's been about 22 years... man I feel old.