I never realized how long this show was on and barely recall it. But wondering if it ended with Jeff not being a manniquin anymore or perhaps not requiring the magic words to bring him to life?
No, he did not. Even though he did have some longings to be fully human. I mean, it was pretty inconvenient, to say the least, to need a magic hat and magic words to live! Rather reminds me of Data from Star Trek, another not quite human being who wanted to be human, but never did. another one of my all-time faves.
Nope, never - he had to have both, even though there were a couple of times Waldo the Magician was able to let him have his freedom - temporarily - from the store. Two I know of were "Night at the Opera," though Jeff doesn't leave the store (won't spoil for you), and then the "Today's Special - Live" store where Waldo was able to grant him that one wish for one day so he could be part of the show that Jodie, Sam and Muffy were in. This basically was a live performance of the show, though they did have Jeff accidentally take his hat off so they could lead into the song "Hocus Pocus Alimagocus."