Jeff and Jodie

Does anyone else think there was any
sexual tension between Jeff and Jodie??

They seemed so perfect together!!!

Same goes for Bonnie and Michael on
Knight Rider-- I think deep down
Bonnie truly loved Michael...

Anyone else's thoughts??


Jeff and Jodie? No freakin' way. C'mon, Jeff was a freakin' manikin, he had no genitals..therefore, no hormones to even make him think that. And Jodie, she seemed like the professional type.

Michael and Bonnie, on the other hand...ooooooooooooooh yeah....I'm sure we didn't see what they did between episodes. C'mon, her polishing KITT in her mechanic suit, done 1/2 down.... :)

- - Clark


Thank you-- Michael and Bonnie
were definately right for each

I wonder what Jeff and Jodie
were doing between episodes of
Today's Special-- to bad
us viewers never get to see
what goes on behind the scenes...!!


LOL. I have heard people alluding to this, but never outright. I did sense some definite chemistry there even when I first started watching TS as a very little kid. Anyway, I know that's all speculation and up to interpretation and definitely not really what the producers were going for. Still, it is kind of funny now that I am an adult to speculate about these kinds of things. I would totally love to see it come back in some way, preferrably on DVD but on TV would be really good as well. I hope everyone here has sihned the ptition- there is almost 700 names now. It's growing quite quickly, and at 3.5X more the names than expected! Still, I am sure you all know that the execs won't go for this kind of thing if it's short of a sure thing, so I hope you'll all take a few seconds if you haven't already done so to enter your signatures.


Who, at the age of 1-7, would even know what "sexual tension" was?

I didn't understand such notions until AT THE VERY LEAST the age of eleven or twelve.....

I guess some are sexually enlightened before others. Just look at the "kids" of today. So sad. The innocence of childhood is quickly dissipating.

"When you assume, it makes an ass out of you and me." -- an age-old quote...


Exactly what I think. Children's shows are either getting way too silly and mature, or else they go way too silly and saccharine and infantile. That is why I really hope that quality FAMILY shows like "Today's Special" and other similar shows will have the chance to come back, and take the Teletubbies and Barneys with them. Too many shows since the early 90s have been segregating generations of families instead of bringing them together. Such a shame. I for one hope that changes, and soon. I buy all the great shows from the 70s'-early 90s I grew up with that I enjoyed, and I don't care who thinks that's silly. I think that Jim Henson, and I think Walt Disney too, would be rolling in their graves if they could see how dumbed down shows for young people are nowadays.


Indeed I was flipping through channels
earlier today and Spongebob was in...

And I thought::

"I don't see any educational value in this show"...

I just don't get it


Amen to that, Adam878. At least I can breathe a bit asier knowing that there are a whole lot of other shows out there of quality (he vast majority of which come from before 1993) that are making comebacks of sorts on DVD, reissues of toys, etc. if not actually on TV. I am making a point to get all the Muppet Kermit 50th anniversary stuff, because that is the main stuff that I think can be compared to TS, which I think is the best Canadian family show by far. Many Canadians may disagree, saying it was Friendly Giant or Mr. Dressup or even Fred Penner or Sharon, Lois and Bram are best, but most of them didn't have the advantage that we did growing up in the 80s and early 90s when all this great stuff was going on. OK. That's my little rant for the day.

Death to Spongebob, Barney, and all who are anything like them!




When I was little i didn't sense "sexual tension" between the characters, but that doesn't mean I didn't think at the age of five that jeff & jodie were going to get married someday. I assumed that their kids would be have with magical plaid hats and half regular people

The penguins are calling and I can't find my way out of the labyrinth.


C'mon, Jeff was a freakin' manikin, he had no genitals..therefore, no hormones to even make him think that


I did think Jodie was really pretty, though.


I'd think when Jeff became human he had genitals, after all he could eat and drink as a human.


I almost forgot about this show! When I was as little as five, I knew that there was such a thing as people having boyfriends and girlfriends. I wanted them to hook up. LOL


While many of you had no clue what "sexual tension" was at age 5 or younger, no doubt you noticed that in Jodie's dream where she is Cinderella, Jeff is the handsome prince. Coincidence? I suspect there are other more overt suggestions elsewhere, but I can't think of any right now.


Somebody made a video posted on YouTube with a montage of clips as if Jeff and Jodie were a couple. (I think it's called "Say It Again.") It ends with Jeff getting a kiss on the cheek from Jodie -- anyone know which episode that was from?


The last time I saw TS was in the mid 90s when it was in re-runs on TVO. I was in my mid-teens at that time. I don't recall any tension between the two of them but the thought did cross my mind that perhaps he'd rather prefer Sam.

