MovieChat Forums > Live Freaky Die Freaky (2006) Discussion > This Movies seem kinda wierd....

This Movies seem kinda wierd....

Well it does, and it dosn't come out 'till December


Why is Davey Havok from AFI in this?
Why is Nick 13 from Tiger Army in this?
Can they even act????????


i wanna see it cause joel and benji are in it and im a BIG gc fan lol plus it looks wierd hehe

ruby gloom
im twinin u twinin
paul: hard rock live
joel:cant get more frutier than that


LoL . I'm obsessed with GC..
And it's seem cool. And Billie Joe from Green Day are in it . And Lars from Rancid ... :D


Whoa, it says this came out in 1999....I'm confused here...My sister is into Davey Havock (Living straight edged and a can he do that?!?!) so that how this came to my attention. Any un-confuse me??




So is this out already or is the date just wrong? All my favorite band members are in this so I want to see it. Also if you click on Matt Freeman some idiot put that he was the drummer for Rancid in his Trivia section. He is the bassist, and the best damn bassist there is.


Ok the fact that you are all obsessing over the fact that Benji and Joel Madden of Good Charlotte are in this movie slightly disturbs me due to the fact that it's about a SERIAL KILLER and you wouldn't know the first damn thing about it. You teenies need to lay off EVERYTHING that has to do with this movie it's already going to be bad (no offense to the guys from these bands) but the fact that you're obsessing over it is going to make it MUCH worse. So do yourselves a favor and go watch Crossroads or On The Line with real pop artists and awful actors because you've already destroyed punk music for me don't destroy the movies these guys are in now too.


yeah, Davey can act... he was really into drama in high school. Don't know about Nick13, though....


Dude the movie is animated, it's sort of claymation I guess, but not really kinda like the nightmare before christmas. So you don't have to worry about acting, it's just their freaking' voices. It'll be on select theatres this fall (It says so in the july issue of AP- with Rancid on the cover). I hope the movie is good.......



search for charles manson on the web and you'll know what it's about. then give some thought to his victims.


its set way in the future and people are looking for some kind of sign. they come across a copy of helter skelter and treat it as some kind of bible. and its done all with puppets.

if you want a sick puppet movie check out meet the feebles by peter jackson (yes that peter jackson) it was one of his early movies (#3 i think) and from the scenes i have seen of meet the feebles its just sick! muppets on acid and full of gore!!



That was a sick movie.


plus davey havok was in a movie before he played a guy named george


Davey Havok is in this because he is a great artist and has a good voice.
Nick 13 is in this for the same reason.
I know that Davey can act because he's been in a couple movies already, and it wouldn't matter anyways because the whole movie is claymation - no acting required.


Here's to hoping you knew that it's ANIMATED.

iio typ;fed thiis withm y peeniks/


While I'm not some kind of hardcore punk afficiando, I also find it extremely annoying when a punk band that's been around for years ends up on MTV and gets radioplay and everyone thinks they just started out. Examples of course being The Ataris, AFI, Blink 182 and Green Day to name a few.

And if you have a problem with Manson, maybe you'll find solace in the movie "The Helter Skelter Murders" which blames the entire thing on...drugs! Along with telling the audience something alone the lines of, if you do drugs, you will have sex, kill people and go to Hell. So don't do PCP. Way to not be preachy or anything. And a helluva way to solve the Manson case as the film came out before the trial was even over. To be frank, if I had a mansion with a load of yard space, I'd put a huge wall around it, and build a sancutary where Manson could sit and play guitar all day, which is all he wants to do with his life. But he'll probably be stuck in solitary for the rest of his life due to the fact that he's Charles Manson.


Yes they can act and its animated..they will be doing no acting just voices


this movie is gonna rock, tim armstrong, billie joe, skinhead rob, travis barker, lars frederiksen, how much more can you ask for?

by the way good charolette are horrible, i give them an A for effort and i think they are probably really rad guys to hang out with, but they're music is pretty crappy




Yeah man your response to the cast is the best yet! Cookies and stickers for you!


to a bunch of people im not sure exactly who nick 13 and davey havok are going to be in it beacause the have punk bands along with most of the other people in it(tim armstrong) they dont have to act its in claymation. it is a mistake its coming out in december 2003. davey havok can be doing this AFI came out before like 1996 n stuff okay bye bye


The movie may be dated 1999 due to the copyright on the material, I don't really know for sure. I do know John Roeker has been working on this for several years. People voicing the characters are people John has known for years or relatively new acquaintances, he's been in the music business in LA. Its an interesting concept, I first heard the outline from John and a friend of his about three years ago, I'm looking forward to seeing it.


I haven't even really heard much on this movie... like one little article somewhere, and I can't even remember where that was. I might see it, I dunno. Sounds alright.


go to the website and check out the info there. this movie is gonna be good, but that guy was right. if you keep blabbing about how good charolette and all those other bitch punk bands are in it, youll ruin the movie for what it is worth. i cant wait


so when is the freakin movie comin out? is it gonna be in only selected theatres or wut?? and no good charlotte does not suck...just cuz u dont like their music and all the teenies r in love with joel does not mean they r pop or w/e.....i love them but i love afi, green day, blink 182, mest, rancid, mxpx, the used, nfg, and goldfinger too so dont diss them.


dont mean to insult all the good charolette fans out there. im just not a fan of their music. there are better punk bands in the world, that's all. im sure good charolette would agree with me.


Look, how does anybody know if this is going to be glorifying Charles Manson? That sorry excuse for a human being is hardly anything to worship, and I doubt the people in this movie are going to be doing that. I am going to take it as making fun of the people who DID follow him way back when, and called him a wonderful god-like person. I respect almost everyone in this movie, and I will see it if possible. I'd like to get a view of it by actually WATCHING it instead of listening to people bitch about it.


your right thats exactly the point of the movie. its trying to show people to think for themselves. because in this day and age a lot of people just pick up what they find on a bookshelf and believe everything it says. or people will watch tv and believe everything CNN tells us just because its on the news and everyone else agrees with it, doesnt necessarily mean its right or even true. the movie is making fun of everyone who is like that, but its an extreme example, as in people picking up Helter Skelter and worshiping it, merely because they are all helpless and searching for something to fill their void (as we all are in life).


oh yeah , go Tim

No, Donny, these men are nihilists. There's nothing to be afraid of.


"AFI came out before like 1996 n stuff okay bye bye "

they've been around since 1989


"they've been around since 1989 "

No, they where formed in the summer of 1991.


Actually AFI came out in 1991...

I'm still confused on where to see this but I'm really interested in it. Has anyone actually seen it?


I'm gonna see it cuz almost all my fav bands are in it, plud the fact that I would see ANYTHING that had ANYONE from AFI in it, especially Davey. It does seem kinda weird, the whole Charles Manson thing, but I don't care, I'm gonna see it anyways.


haha, i met him yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
btw- does anyone know where i can find 'mary janes not a virgin anymore'?

Through our bleeding, we are ONE
I met Davey Havok on Feb 6, 2004 best day of my life


they formed in 89 as a Misfits cover band


But they are so much better now

I will die screaming


actually, they came out in '91. they've said it in thousands of interviews if you pay any attention.


just to definetly clear it up for u people the guys in AFI started a sorta cover band in 89 in 91 they started AFI

and could sum1 tell me wot exactly happens in this movie?????
somfin about findin a book treatin it like a bible, puppets , and charles manson????

and this might sound strange since i actually like them, but when did GC start getting called a punk band?


about GC...around 2002 or blame the media and the stupid "hardcore" hot topic fans.
which i am a fan too...but i've never called them a punk band, nor am i a "hardcore" hot topic fan lol.

*bitch with a heart*


They started in 91, and Adam and Davey are the only two remaining from the original band. And each of the members from AFI have their side prjects, and Davey's happens to be acting.

Good Charlotte isn't a punk band, they aren't a band. They are a whole bunch of assholes with tattoos and back problems.
