Team America
Don't get me wrong...i plan to see this movie but what about team america? Most people would probably be alittle put off by this movie because it kind of looks the same (but completely diff plots...i know) What do you think?
shareDon't get me wrong...i plan to see this movie but what about team america? Most people would probably be alittle put off by this movie because it kind of looks the same (but completely diff plots...i know) What do you think?
shareI think the same thing mostly. The thing is you get to see how the puppets are what youll exspet and then you go on some Charls Manson site and LFDF site and mostly sum up this : Team America+Blood+violance+Charls Manson+punk rock=Live Freaky Die Fraeaky-the hero thing in Team america and the terro est thing and + you get to hear tims hot voice.
share*beep* 'Team America'. Honestly, that movie was nothing compared to LF!DF!.
"PEQUITO! PEQUITO!" - Al Madrigal