where find it

Hi! Can you tell me where can I find this movie?? I live in Poland and there's no chance to see it in the cinema or buy it. Maybe there is another way to get it?? Please help, it is important for me.


You'll be able to get it over the internet in a few months. Sit tight.

You can't schedule stupidity


maybe u should move
poland sounds sucky


Hey shut up *beep* Where are you from?

Yeah you'll be able to download it off the internet in a while.




Hmmmmm... I was wonderring this too. Too bad all we get is empty boot-leg internet promises.


we can't find it anywhere in the U.S. There are two movies I want to see, this one and Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore (Davey Havok is in them both), but they both have fallen off the end of the earth or something


yea i been waiting for a long ass time also...


Yeah, Im in the UK and I cant Find It Anywhere and ive Been wanting to See it for Months! ='[ Looks like Im Gunna have to hold on longer


Wait till the beggining of next year.

Foo Fighters - Dec 12th


It's been almost a half *beep* year since people have been talking about it. I can't find it anywhere on the net.


It comes out in January. Theres a thread about it on here somewhere.

Foo Fighters - Dec 12th
