Aussie release date...

I'm Australian and i have been intrigued by this film for ages but its distresses me how everyone in every other country in the world has seen it except us Aussies! Can anyone please tell me when it will come out here? I havent heard anything of it coming to theatres or being released here so it would be great if someone could give me ANY info on Live Freaky Die Freaky coming out in Australia.


Please? I'm desperate!


yer i have been following this film for forever and im anoied that there hasent been anything said bout it

still its out on the 31st in the usa
and if its not the same hear then i spose il just get an import copy


Yeah I live in NZ and have been intrestd in this film for AGES. I hope it comes out here.

March 5 2005, the day I'll never forget as the day Billie Joe mooned us!


haha i didnt even know it was released anywhere, damn! gosh i hope it comes out in aus soon! its got heaps of cool ppl in it AKA BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG :P and looks like an awesome movie!! cant w8 2 see it...


Agreed. I must see this movie. Billie = my god.

xX Sassy
(Phuck's that for constructive?)
