If all of these great musicians (and if you don't like them, you have to admit they've been around for a while and have made names for themselves) such as Green Day, Jane Weidlin (probably spelled wrong), Tim Armstrong, and Davey Havok were put in the movie, why the HELL is friggin' BENJI MADDEN in it? And Travis Barker? Did they want people to puke?
First of all, if Benji Madden was so "punk", he'd have the sense not to let his brother date some bimbo like Hilary Duff (gag me), and he wouldn't go around with his stupid gold teeth and like, zillions of piercings like he's such a bad ass.
Second of all, Travis Barker is....ugh. I can't even think of words bad enough to call this guy. He's an idiot, and he clearly thinks he's cool since he rarely wears a shirt and has a mohawk.
Seriously. What the f...?
Fred: Married. You got married. You mean you've been doing it like the pigeons