I saw the LA screening last night. Ideally everyone would like this movie, but it's not good at all. Cheap attempts to recreate and show what Charles Mansion did are huge failures in this movie, he basically comes off as a black pimp, and not even in a good way. The only people who will like this movie is the ones with bias opinions who love hellcat records. But in a non bias point of view it was a horrible movie, possibly not even a rental
Of course it's not great. The actors aren't actors, they are rock stars. They are rock stars with a sense of humor. And despite the fact that it may have sucked beans, I still want to watch it. It's a matter of preference, and if you don't take it too seriously, it might just be alright.
living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see
ive been intrigued with this movie for a while, and still will probably see it. but. while it is meant to be taken lightly and probably is funny, keep in mind that what happened in this movie actually did happen. to real people, not just puppets....just like think about the people it happened to and how it affected their friends, family, whoever. yeah, the movie sounds cool i guess, but ive also realized that its quite relentless and completely insensitive.
I don't think it was ever supposed to be anything other than juvenille and distasteful. Oh, well then that makes it okay.
I'm going to make a movie of me sh*tting on a camera, and when people accuse it of being gross and pointless, I'll just tell them 'it was never meant to be anything else.' ...and that somehow totally validates depraved artless filmmaking.
But the pretentious, middle-class left-wing luvvies lapped it up including the buffoon who has his "review" featured on the main page. If you know it's crap that makes you "right-wing", dontcha know. And in Orwellian left-speak that means "eeeeeeevil".
Yes, this movie totally sucked. I was so psyched to see it, especially after reading how it was banned from all kinds of countries and how funny it was supposed to be. I mean, if the movie was just plain shocking, and that's all it was made for, I'd understand and enjoy it for that sole purpose. But it wasn't even that shocking; for christ's sake, team america was more shocking than this, and a hell of a lot funnier. I hardly laughed once throughout the whole thing, and i left feeling cheated.
And what was with the whole short information film at the beginning on how to teach your kid with down syndrome how to chage their pad? that might've been the most interesting part of the whole show, because it just made me feel so damn uncomfortable.
lol yeah, nick 13 and tiger army is my fav psycobilly band.
well the movie sounded good on paper... but i could barely sit through it. the only thing that kept me watching the entire movie was that one of my 'punx' friends said it was amazing. i agree that its just a team america thats not funny except for a few stereotyping punks jokes and stuff like that. i wouldnt recommend this movie.. if you want 'cred' for watching punk movies stick to slc punk! and trainspotting.
yeah, i saw it too. and i definitely have to agree with you. if you like the whole puppet sex, puppet gore, and pure raw puppet violence sort of thing, it's your kind of movie.....other wise, dont watch it.
yeah, mike dirnt eas there. hes pretty kool....too bad he left too soon. and jane weidlin was there too. i met her. shes awesome.
I've heard it sucked, but I'm still going to see it (if I can find it, that is! It's like it fell off the edge of the earth or something!). If Davey Havok saw it as somehting he'd like to do, I'm pretty sure I'm going to like it.
I have no interest in the people who supplied the voices for this film but I saw it and really liked it. If anything, going into it I was weary of who made it and the people involved. It was really funny but deffinately caters to a specific sense of humor. I'm not sure it was great satire or really that shocking but I felt like it was made to be funny. And I thought it was.
If anybody in the chicago area wants to see it for themselves they can! It's playing at the Chicago Underground Film Fesival sometime next week, I think Thursday.
"The puppets were ugly, the blood looked like paint, the sound is bad, the jokes arent even a bit funny, it's realy badly edited, there's these cheap flash animation that are too long and repetitive, the songs they sing are awful."
I think that was part of the comedy and was done on purpose.
Just cause blink's drummer is in this movie doesnt mean its a good movie!! Im not saying making bad puppets and cheap gore tricks on purpose sucks. Im all for that. I was expecting that. But this looks like it was done by a retarded person. It's just crap. And it's not even sick, it's barely funny. You want sick funny stuff made badly on purpose? Watch troma movies...
What the F! You people keep talking about punks and none of these morons are even real punks.You think Green Day,Blink 182 is punk ? Then I got some real estate in Bosnia cheap.Punk died back in the early eighties.Come up with something new on your own and quit ripping off my nostalgia you poseurs.
The only reason I want to see it is becuase of Green Day, but I don't expect it to be a brilliant movie. I mean, how wonderful can a filthy puppet movie be? But I don't care, I'm seeing it for Billie Joe, and if it sucks it sucks. Who knows, maybe I'll love it, I do have a twisted mind. ^_~
"I'm not gonna say anything inspirational; I'm just gonna *bleep*ing swear a lot."
Mmmm, well I have the unique gift of seeing crap at it's most beautiful, so maybe I'll be able to work some magic on this? I have to admit, the only pulling factors of this movie for me, are that Green Day are voicing characters, and it's seriously whacked out...there ya go! Nice Friday in sorted:P
Anyway, to all of you who are discriminating people going to see this movie based solely on the fact that their favouraite musicians are in it. Isn't that one of the staples of the movie industry? It's like going to see a movie with your favouraite actor when you don't even know *beep* about the genre, plot etc. It may be good, it may be bad, but that's the way the world works. People are used all the time in the media, to pull us in, to take our money etc etc. It's just an everyday lunacy we all love to hate!:P
_______________________________________ Talk is Cheap and Lies are Expensive ||I want to take you through a wasteland I like to call my home||
"Anyway, to all of you who are discriminating people going to see this movie based solely on the fact that their favouraite musicians are in it. Isn't that one of the staples of the movie industry?"
Exactly. Green Day, Rancid, and nick 13 are the reason i would see any puppet movie.
Yes. Even though Live Freaky! Die Freaky! was released in 2003, and Team America: World Police was released in 2004, Live Freaky! Die Freaky! is ripping it off. Precisely. Oh, and I am a Green Day fan. And I watched several clips for it. And I think it looks fecking hilarious. Wanna know why? BECAUSE I HAVE DIFFERENT TASTES IN MOVIES. There, all in caps, therefore easier to read. Not everyone is going to like the movie. Some people will. Get over it. Move on.
This movie just sucked, even if there were band members in it. It was just really bad. Worst animation, worst voice recording, worst story. Its not even good bad movie. just incredibly painful to watch.
Yes... the true story is terrible... And we have already covered bad animation, and that you don't like it. But other people do, calm down, it's only a movie. And I take offense at people saying that punks are retards, that kind of sweeping statement proves closed-mindedness. And music that appeals to punk and ska fans isn't necessarily easy to write. So yeah.
Awwwwwww, why shouldn't I watch it? I bought this movie simply because it had davey havok in it, and loved every single second of it. It is sooooo funny, and I reccommend it to everyone over the age of thirteen. lol, I don't care about the political views or whatever it makes fun of, I know a gay guy who watched this and couldn't stop laughing at Hay and Sharon Hate. just go out and buy it. Thats what I did.
And you realize the people they're making fun of were tragic murder victims, don't you? And for those saying punk sucks, you're wrong. Only MODERN punk sucks.
The great thing about the Internet is that you can download movies for free (sometimes even before they hit theaters). If this movie turns out to be bad, at least the price was right.