Okay, this is getting ridiculous!
What do we need to do to get the rest of the seasons released on DVD? Seriously, who do we need to talk to? Maybe they think that this show wouldn't make as much money once released and that's why they don't care and don't do anything about it, but I can assure you, it would make a lot more money than if it's not released! And I know for a fact that there are people who would definitely buy it. Just go on youtube and see all the fans that still see it online and with really bad quality if I may add, because THERE'S NO OTHER WAY OF SEEING IT!I mean, I understood that it wouldn't come out the first years but now, it's really getting ridiculous.
So, is there any way to get in touch with the creators, WB or whoever? I don't care how, but they need to make this happen!
'A baby sleeps in all our bones so scared to be alone..'