MovieChat Forums > Home Movies (1999) Discussion > Brenden's baby sister??

Brenden's baby sister??

serioulsy, whos baby was that? they obviously didn't have the same dad, and she was the same skin color as melissa.



The mom was kidding. It's hers. But yeah, on the commentary the cast did mention that. They didn't give a clear answer because it's what the artist did and not them. I guess it can be implied that Paula had an affair with another man and had his baby. If that’s what you want to think.


Brendon is the one who said something along the lines of "yeah, but she's adopted what do we really know about her."

Then I believe there is another scene where Brendon and his mom talk about who her real parents might be. I didn't get the feeling that they were joking about her being adopted.


I think you're referring to the episode where the kids had to make a family tree. I think that's it's also the episode where the coach becomes the blind prophet, "Temporary Blindness."

Have to check that out when I get home.


Yep, that's it. The parents wanted to remain anonymous. That's all they really had to say about it besides a few jokes about who they think the real parents are.


eartha kitt and don ho.

and technically, melissa and eric aren't black. there's really no ethnicity to the show, other than maybe the asian pharmacist/eye doctor/video rental clerk voiced by bill braudis, as his appearance is based on animator damon wong. i think the skin colors are made the same within the shows' families (ala eric and melissa), but other than that there's no real distinctions.


Anyone ever notice that she has 666 on her forehead? haha that's my favorite.





I've noticed that too.


why does anyone have glasses?


I thought I was the only one who noticed the 666 thing, my friends never saw it before I told them lol

Metallica, Slayer, and Iron Maiden own!



Who knows, it's a cartoon! Why doesn't Paula have a nose?

Metallica, Slayer, and Iron Maiden own!


Paula doesn't do well in nose/face conferences.


A better question is what's the purpose of Josie? She is rarely if ever involved in the plot. Was this done to give it more of a "normal" family feel instead of it just being brendan and paula?

As my namesake may have noted, "It stinks!"


josie only had 666 on her forehead on the Halloween episode when she was dressed as the devil.


i guess her only purpose was to get marbles stuck in her nose.

Somebody's had too much to think.


What I love about her is the way she talks... well, mumbles really. They sound audible but it's so fast and blabbering, but sound super cute.


Josie's adopted, they mention it off-hand several times in different episodes, most of which people already pointed out.

Josie is adorable, and really young kids with glasses like that are usually super-cute, too ~ I dunno why. Another thing I can't figure out, is why people keep complaining about her character being "pointless" and "why is she even there" and all that; even though she doesn't talk (except for the adorable baby voice she coos & mumbles with) or do much actively, she's still an interesting & fun character, and adds dimension to the other characters. Brendon often talks with Josie & tells her things on his mind that he won't reveal to anyone else, so she is, in effect, a sort of shoulder to cry on for Brendon. Paula is more "tied down" because she has Josie & not just Brendon to keep an eye on. It also makes you wonder how selfish & crummy the dad is, as he obviously left and didn't even give much thought to the 2 kids he left behind for quite awhile. That is established back when Brendon is all nervous about talking to his dad for the first time (in a very long time) on the phone. It makes the dad look much more selfish & self-centered, even if he does seem like not such a "bad guy" when Brendon begins establishing a relationship with him, anew. And why isn't Josie involved in that, too?

I can't understand your crazy moon language.


I always thought that Paula adopted Josie after she got divorced. Brendon's Dad, although a sometimes good character that he was, did show himself to be very self-centered. I mean, Paula had been divorced from the Dad for a while and somehow he just magically shows up? Did Brendon ever point that out to his dad?




LOL yeah I almost forgot about that song...Brendon makes a movie for Josie telling her what not to do, and as usual Duane and his band Scab do the soundtrack for the video

I can't understand your crazy moon language.
