Okay... To anyone who has seen Disturbia...
Do you guys notice a large amount of similarities between this movie and the episode 'Definite Possible Murder'?
In this episode Brendon sprains his leg and is stuck in his room. He gets bored and then starts to watch his new neighbor who he immediately views as suspicious. Then Brendon, Melissa and Jason believe he has committed a murder and has the body in his car. Melissa sneaks into the house of the neighbor and we see her screaming through the window.
In Disturbia the main character (it's been a while since I've seen it) is on house arrest and gets bored of being home. He starts to observe his neighboors through a telescope and finds an older man he becomes suspicious of. He suspects him of murder, something to do with a car, they break in etc.
Since it's been a while since I last saw Disturbia I could be wrong about some of the similarities, still I thought it was pretty interesting..