
Whats the name of the song that Jake and his mates are singing early on in the pub? the one about eyes and lies and drifting away from me.

In fact does anyone have a complete track listing for this film's soundtrack?


'slipping away' by Max Merritt & the Meteors. It's seemingly a well known song (relatively) in Australia and New Zealand (as could fairly also be said of Max Merritt individually). To tbe best of my knowledge they started in NZ,a google search also turned up :

as the official site.

I don't know how the song/band fared elsewhere - maybe somebody else will know? Or maybe there is more info on the site above.

John McKenzie


The soundtrack does not seem to be available unless it came out in NZ or Australia. I had to watch the credits to get most of the songs although can't find the record shop track "It only happens" by Renee Cryer anywhere!


"It Only Happens" by Renee Geyer on her CD titled,

"The Great Renee Geyer:The Classic Collection" 3 CD Boxset.

It is also on Tower Records UK Site as an Import.
