MovieChat Forums > Zoolander (2001) Discussion > I love all the cameos!

I love all the cameos!

All of the cameos of people from the entertainment industry definitely adds to this movie's awesomeness! If there's ever going to be a sequel, I hope they continue with incorporating random, but cool cameos. David Bowie was my favorite cameo btw lol

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. -Jimi Hendrix


I know what you mean, I actually love David Duchovny's role. I don't know if the sequel will work, but I will definitely be there to see it in the cinema.


I laughed the hardest at Garry Shandling's 2 appearances... as one of "the beautiful people"!


I liked Billy Zane, my favorite was David Bowie. For some reason, I can't remember Christian Slater in this film. Where was he?


I'm pretty sure he isn't.


christian slater is is it, hes being interviewed on a red carpet at the start of the film

live fast, die young, leave a good looking corpse


Fabio accepting the actor/model award was my favorite.

I also thought Gavin Rossdale was pretty random but made sense after thinking about it.. He's not really famous but he's a pretty boy.




They were almost the best part of the film; the walk-off was the best to me.

Why ain't you at the garden party you heathen?


I agree with the OP.

In addition, I've always been fascinated with the way movies can do out-of-the ordinary things like that, not just cameos like Zoolander, but things like breaking-the-fourth-wall and choreographed dance numbers out of nowhere. Filmmakers need to know how to achieve some kind of contextual subtleties in treatment that make it all seem to fit.



...contextual subtleties in treatment...



Billy Zane's cameo was probably the funniest. "Put a cork in it Zane!" Classic. But I thought it was great that Natalie Portman had a cameo as well, even though her face and forehead was really shiny for some reason. Maybe sweating under those lights. Anyways, one of my favorite comedies to have come out in the last 15 years.

Delicious must be heaven to the hungry in hell.


I also loved seeing the multiple celebrities making cameo appearances as themselves. Plenty of movies have a handful, but Zoolander had almost 30! In the recent movie, This is the End, nearly the entire cast is celebrities playing versions of themselves. But is there another scripted movie with as many as these two?

"The sun is shining...but the ice is slippery."


I have heard that Anchorman 2 has over 20 cameos, so not quite 30, but that is still a lot.


If you don't want to know about the surprise cameos in Anchorman 2, stop reading now.

I saw Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (the extended release). The difference between that and Zoolander is that the none of the celbrities appearing in cameos or small roles were playing themselves. They include Harrison Ford, Amy Pohler, Tina Fey, Will Smith, Liam Neeson, John C. Reilly, Sacha Baron Cohen and Vince Vaughn, but all of them played characters with different names and occupations.

"The sun is shining...but the ice is slippery."


How did they get all these people? Lol

Selina? Selina Kyle, you're fired! And Bruce Wayne, why are you dressed up like Batman?


Well, Will Ferrel and Ben Stiller have conncetions and are well respected as successful comedic actors, writers, producers and in Stiller's case, a director. Plus, small roles and cameos can be filmed in one day and can easily be fit into a busy actor's schedule.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Really! I thinks this wins some kind of most cameos in a movie award. I need to go and count all of them.
