MovieChat Forums > Final Destination (2000) Discussion > I prefer the alternate ending (MAJOR SPO...

I prefer the alternate ending (MAJOR SPOILER)

Don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way, but I wish they'd gone with the alternate ending where the two main characters survive and have a child. It was just a bummer to me when it's revealed at the end they really hadn't escaped Death after all.


The problem with using the alternate/original ending is:

Alex and Clear obviously had a connection, but the fact that they decide to have sex on a beach, while Billy and Carter wait in the car...? Really?

Clear discovering she was pregnant the following morning?! What?

A end to the design.

Alex dies. (Yeah, I know he dies eventually, but still)

I don't know what you mean "two main characters" live. Carter and Clear, plus baby Alex only live.
