In my opinion...

This series should have been just been a stand alone film.Had it been better executed,it really could have offered something new to the teen slasher genre.I stopped watching after the first one because I knew what was gonna happen. That's a no-no when making sequels, you gotta present something fresh with new twist and turns to keep fans of the series and new comers intrigued.But that's not what happened,the writers just said "eff it, lets just add some more gory deaths and they'll just but into it".So yeah I just find the sequels forgettable in that respect.


I agree. I think a reason why the first movie worked so well, is that originally it wasn't intented as a teen slasher. After the success of the first movie they just focused more on the elements they thought appealed to teens, i.e. gore, and less on an intelligently written thriller story.


I disagree. For me, FD 2 is by far the best in the series. This one is the 2nd. Why? Dewon Sawa's acting was brilliant of course but the Death looked like a ghost. It made this film look so unrealistic. So Fantasy! Yes, this franchise is full of supernatural moments but at least the sequels had more or less realistic deaths. FD 2 had awesome connection with the original film!


I like the sequels for what they are. But, yeah, there's a level of menace and creepiness about this film that the sequels in general lack. This movie really focused on the main character Alex, who was an excellent protagonist that the audience could connect to, while the sequels didn't care as much about character development as they did on thinking of nifty, crazy ways for people to die. Still, I enjoy this series overall.



One of the worst movies I have ever seen sadly.

The idea that Death would continue to stalk survivors just because they manage to "cheat" Death is completely ridiculous!

So anyone considering watching this my advice is....DON'T!

And the second movie was just as weird and ridiculous its like they movies were written by the Marx Brothers or something = As in NOT to be taken seriously.

I put these movies in the same "class" as "Paranormal activity" Brrrrr!


what a ridiculous mind you have, and you want the whole world to fit to its expectations!


..the cool thing with this filmseeries is that, at least the three first Final Destinations were made by Wong(directing, writing ad produced with some friends.) That gives me a paus of thinking he get everything in control instead of having some other jerk making ripoffs of the first one.


They should call the whole series The Rube Goldberg Homicides.


I'm a little hesitant to watch the sequels. I liked the first half of this movie but sort of lost interest in the 2nd half. And, as you said, it works as a standalone film. It doesn't really feel like it needs any sequels. I think the story was told just fine and there's not much more they can add to it. So, if I wasn't crazy about this film to begin with and I don't think there's any more to this story that needs to be told then I don't see the point in watching the others. I may change my mind, though. You can never tell with me.
