15 Years Later and...
...this movie is still as horrible as when it was released.
I watched this in the theater and absolutely hated it.
Strangely the movie has stuck with me from that one single viewing, simply because of how predictable and often ridiculously over-the-top all of the deaths were. It was almost like several minutes in advance, here comes a death, get ready for a sanguinary delight you bloodthirsty teens.
The worst was that of Billy Hitchcock, it was just so obvious the way the whole thing was setup and how long it was drawn out. The final death was also pretty obvious ("so who's next?" [roll eyes]), but did not take so long thank goodness.
I also think it was probably because there seemed to be a lot of other horror movies being released in that era and many of them were much better than this - e.g. Scream, The Faculity, Urban Legend, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Sleepy Hollow, Stir of Echoes etc.
Anyone else hate this like I did and if so, why?