my favorite part is when qualified lawyers try to take over the case and then erin who has no education and experience is so mad at them! and she can remember 600 phone numbers? wow, so how was she a lone mother dressed like a hooker? yeah...hollywood, baby, where prostitutes and unemployed mothers destroy billion-dollar corporations.I know it is based on a real story, but come on, people, if it was more than 15% real I'd be shocked...
It's actually less than 15% true. All Erin Brokovich really did was talk to the residents about their health conditions and propert values, take the evidence back to her boss, then testify in court for about 3 days.
In the movie, Erin was a b---!. Not just blunt or someone that speaks her mind. You can be assertive to people without being mean nasty and hostile like Erin was portrayed in the movie.
i really like your point that there are multiple ways how to influence people - without being a demanding bitch.the only thing that i liked about this movie was albert finney - he did a good job.but roberts should have never won an oscar - the biggest flaw in academy awards history
I agree with most of the things said here. Julia-Erin was indeed a bitch and a half -- but I am pretty sure she was portrayed correctly. I wrote about it before but did anyone see the Oprah Special about her? She was loud, obnoxious and condescending to all people -- including men AND OPRAH!!(who didn't even notice!)
She comes out to the stage like a bat out of hell with a sneer on her face and starts yelling -- yes, yelling at the audience telling them to stand up for themselves...
Erm, yea: stand up for yourself by calling the accident culprit an ahole that smashed in your effing neck! Righhhhhhhhhhhhtt!
Incidentally -- the exact moment of that show was being filmed -- the town that they "helped" was filing lawsuits up thye wazoo against Masry's office and HER. SO yeah, stand the eff up for yourselves everyone. Call people whores, fat asses and idiots!!
You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!
Considering the actual Erin Brokovich herself made her little appearence in the movie, I don't see why they'd make a portrait of her with the purpose of making her look like a hooker or why the movie would only be 15% faithful to the real story.