MovieChat Forums > Erin Brockovich (2000) Discussion > I still don't get why Julia's performanc...

I still don't get why Julia's performance was fawned over SO much!!!!!

It's been almost 10 years and while I (not a Julia Roberts fan) LOVED her in the movie, thought she was terrific, sassy and entertaining----I will NEVER know why Hollywood and the critics treated her like she was the Second Coming of Jesus. No, really, the ass kissing and praise she got on Oscar night alone kind of overshadowed things for me.

Was that in part because 2000 was a weak movie year?



"They're called boobs". That was the only difference I noticed in this performance of Julia's than her others. I thought it was disgraceful that she won an Oscar. Oh well. She was good in it, like she was good in Pretty Woman, but not really Oscar worthy IMO.


We all know the true winner is Ellen Burstyn for REQUIEM FOR A DREAM.Julia delivered her best performance in ERIN BROKOVICH but still,she's a really limited and overrated actress.I would definitely not consider her as "oscar worthy".Besides,I prefered Albert Finney's caracter.



Its obvious. She WAS a big star and money machine so they had to give her an oscar so they could put it in the trailers and advertisements.. Look at Angelina Jolie in "Girl Interrupted". If the Oscars are not planned for future profits then nothing else is either.


Angelina wasn't really known during the GI period so it's definitely not a popularity contest.She has given great performances previously in both GEORGE WALLACE and GIA.



Ellen Burstyn was superb in Requiem but Hollywood has seen amazing work from her over the years. And Requiem is the kind of movie that would have made a lot of older Academy voters uncomfortable - so I doubt it ever had a chance. EB was something they could all feel good about.

Julia was a lot better in EB than in Pretty Woman. She's always been an excellent actress, but she makes it all look easy and that's probably why she's often under-rated. But like with a lot of star actors she's often allowed to do more in a scene than necessary - the overcuteness, etc. That's the director's fault.

I think the EB win is the kind of situation Hollywood prays for every year - a terrific performance by a huge star in a really good movie with a "worthy" subject that's also made money. And since this once common occurrence has now become a rare phenomenon, I think Hollywood is so grateful when it happens that they lose it and cluck hysterically over said star like a bunch of headless chickens. Bottomline, we've gotten too used to lauding films and performances based on their risk factor and edginess. It doesn't mean great mainstream films & performances should get shut out. Julia Roberts' win is in the tradition of some of the most popular and worthy wins in Oscar history....and sometimes, that's ok.
