A lot of you ask questions regarding Erin Brockovich's kids, and them probably being F'd up.
Yes they are F'd up. My brother went to boarding school with her daughter, and even "dated" her. She was at boarding school for severe drug abuse, as was myh brother.
Really???? Well my cousin's nephew brother's girlfriend's sister grandmother's aunt's son's daughter dated Erin's son. And she said Erin's son and his siblings turned out just fine.
Really. The woman had to work for a living, didn't she? Many, many women work and have to leave their kids with sitters or in daycare. She was doing important work, besides. How do you figure she messed her kids up? I admire what the real Erin did with her life. If Roberts' portrayal of Erin as a mother is accurate, she certainly was affectionate and loving with her kids.
Some people just aren't happy unless they're saying something sh-tty about others. It's ridiculous.
Uh...yeah I guess so. But I am actually not lying. My brother did go to boarding school with her, had sex with her (its true!), and knows what kind of life she lived. She was into heavy drugs, not that she is a bad person at all or anything for that, but Erin's mothering drove her kids to that. So yeah...
What do you mean? What did she do to her kids that made them drug=addicts? In the movie she seemed like a good mother, even if she did have to work a lot. It's only because she's famous that you'd blame her mother for her drug problems. If they never made a movie about Erin Brockovich, I doubt you'd be blaming the girl's mother.
Erin's mothering drove her kids to that. So yeah...
Yeah, because it certainly couldn't have been that the kid made that choice on her own or that her "friends" influenced her to do that. Oh, I know! She has a hard-working mother who happens to be famous! Let's blame it on her!
Truth is this, and I give you an example:
My parents are both hard-working people who did their level best to make sure their kids had everything they needed and that we were taught right from wrong. They did the best they could with what they had. Two of those four kids turned out alright and two of them chose to go down another path and get into drugs and such. Is it my parents' fault, then, that the two of them chose that path? No, it is not. If such were the case, that my parents were "bad" parents, then all of us kids would be on drugs. So if my parents were "bad" parents, how do you account for the fact that two of us are living good lives and aren't on drugs and such? What I'm getting at is that such things are a matter of choice. You can only play the blame game for so long before it gets old and tired. At some point, the person doing wrong has to face up to the fact that he or she screwed up and that, yes, it was their own fault and nobody else's.
My brother did go to boarding school with her, had sex with her (its true!)
Aren't most boarding schools either all-female or all-male? I didn't know there were such things as co-ed boarding schools. And, lol, LOTS of teenagers have sex! It doesn't mean they have bad parents, though!
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<<Aren't most boarding schools either all-female or all-male? I didn't know there were such things as co-ed boarding schools. And, lol, LOTS of teenagers have sex! It doesn't mean they have bad parents, though! >>
Oh, there are plenty of co-ed boarding schools. Just fyi.
Well, if your brother was in the boarding school to have sex with Erin's daughter (don't know what relevence that had, true or not) than are we not to assume with your logic that your parents were crap also?
It would certainly explain alot about your post if you were a drug f'ed loser because of your parents.
<Uh...yeah I guess so. But I am actually not lying. My brother did go to boarding school with her, had sex with her (its true!), and knows what kind of life she lived. She was into heavy drugs, not that she is a bad person at all or anything for that, but Erin's mothering drove her kids to that. So yeah... >>
Really? Couldn't we also say the kids' lack of fathering drove them to whatever adolescent acting-out they engaged in and all their good qualities came from the love they received from their mother?
No, let's just blame the woman who actually stuck around, worked hard, and raised the kids.
What's funny is that the article blames the girl, just as I thought it would since it couldn't blame the father. Not that I am taking sides but the media sure likes to does it, even though Erin is no angel-
"Thus, whereas the EPA assigns inhaled chromium-6 to Class A, designating it a known human carcinogen, as ingested it's classified as a "D," meaning that there is no evidence of carcinogenicity."
"The plaintiffs complain that their lawyers held onto the money for six months after PG&E cut the check. When Sharp asked Masry to explain the delay, he said, "Why are you being stupid? It was a complicated $333 million settlement. Are you an idiot?" Though some of the plaintiffs were desperately in debt, none of the attorneys, nor Brockovich, would return their calls."
"Hinkley residents have no sympathy for PG&E, of course, Brockovich and Masry having thoroughly terrified them into believing that every ailment they've ever had or will have is from chromium-6 ingestion. But to many, the bad guys are now the Brockovich Bunch. "I feel like I was treated like a country hick," one told Sharp. "We are the ones who made those guys zillionaires."
If you really want to get into the whole "nature or nurture" thing, my grandmothers neighbour is the most conservative housewife you have ever met in you entire life. I doubt her kids ever came home to anything less than a spotless house, homemade cakes and dinner in the oven, she never once had a job or left her kids with a nanny. One of her daughters is a heroin addict, the other now steals from her. How you were brought up generally has *beep* all do to with your life choices.
Wow, a lot of people are mean with moms who live on welfare, and then we get others who are mean to working mothers. In a perfect world, every family would have a father and a mother, one working and one looking after the kids, but this ain't a perfect world, and almost all mothers NEED to work because either one income is not enough, or the father is gone, etc. I know a lot of people who were raised by a stay at home mom, and they did all the drugs in the book, and I know kids raised by stay at home moms who didn't do drugs. I also know kids with working parents who did all the drugs in the book, and I also know kids with working parents who didn't do drugs. If it were as simple as having a fool proof formula like that, the world would not be so troubled.