MovieChat Forums > Erin Brockovich (2000) Discussion > Deleted Scene of Erin Getting Sick

Deleted Scene of Erin Getting Sick

Does anyone else think that they shouldn't have deleted the long scene when Erin gets sick? I think they should have left that in there because it is a crutial part of the movie in that after Erin had done all of that research, gathering evidence without gloves and assuming she didn't wash her hands right away. She also was going to people's houses, particularily Donna's and drinking iced tea with her (being polite), which was more than likely made from tap water (before Donna had really understood that her water was poisonous). Because of this, she became sick, and in the regular movie, they did show that she was sick, but never showed exactly how sick she actually was. She collapsed next to her car and ended up in the hospital with a disease caused by the chromium. This should have been included in the movie. I have seen it on TV and they do include that part then, but it is not in the DVD. I think they should come out with a 10 year...well that's already past...a 15 year anniversary commemorative edition with some of the deleted scenes added to the original movie. I realize it is already a long movie, but I believe it would be good for the movie to add some of them in.

Also, that scene where Ed is driving Erin up to Hinkley and he's going really slow, in the movie the scene is really short and doesn't make any sense, but in the deleted scene, it does make sense. I think they sould either cut it out or add in the whole deleted scene. There are other deleted scenes that could stay out, but some that could go into the movie, and then there are parts of the movie that just drag on and could be taken out, like the scene when Erin is driving home and she calls George and he tells her about Beth saying her first word...that drags on and on. I know it's a meaningful scene and all, but it could be shorter.


I thought about that too, but then i realized that would have perhaps drawn the attention of the audience away from the victims of Hinkley. here is erin with meningitis being treated in the hospital and she is going to be okay, while we have all these people in hinkley who have been forced to live with this stuff everyday, having to have their organs cut out. the movie is already named after her, let's not make it ALL about Erin. i'm guessing that's why they cut it.

