MovieChat Forums > Erin Brockovich (2000) Discussion > The Oxygen channel is butchering this

The Oxygen channel is butchering this

They make a big deal that they're showing EB for the first time and I can't believe the editing.

If I hadn't seen it before I wouldn't know what was going on, it literally jumped from Erin yelling at George about the noise next door to her in the office with Ed about her clothing(but the part about the girls going out to lunch was also cut out).



jac9, I think when Oxygen, etc. show these movies that have been out a while, they count on most viewers having already seen it and won't "miss" certain scenes. Even if we have seen it, we are catching it on TV to enjoy it again. So, they are wrong to hack it up. Thanks for warning as I was going to see it later today. Also, the more they cut from movie, more time for commercials, right?


I just saw it on Yes (Israel) and it started with her searching the want ads for a job. Nothing about a car collision or a lost lawsuit. When she called her attorney from the pay phone and told the secretary "This is his client", I had no idea what she was talking about. Ditto for when she goes to work in his firm guerilla style.

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!
