MovieChat Forums > Erin Brockovich (2000) Discussion > Couldn't Take Her Seriously...

Couldn't Take Her Seriously...

If he gave her a job , it was probably because she stumbled upon that tidbit of info she did. I just couldn't stand this ignorant , loudmouthed, disrespectful, the world owes me something $5 an hour bitch . She did Ed Masry a disservice , yes I know he let her, with her low class displays of ignorance in front of educated, mannered people . She treated George like *beep* also. She had no respect for other people which she displayed by how she spoke to them before she even knew them . I'd almost swear she was a hillbilly .


I did feel for George, he was a lovely man (in the movie anyway) and one any woman would kill for. She treated him like a bit of dirt, like a slave or something.

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She really crossed the line with the woman attorney, who did absolutely nothing to elicit Brockovich's rude reaction to her. Wow.

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!


I cringed at that scene. In the places where I've worked, there would have been disciplinary action for that kind of behavior, and rightly so.


What's that you are so angry about Krispy Kreme?


There was moments in the film in which Erin's blustery persona was welcome and when it was strident. I thought she handled herself well against the older female staff at Ed's law office in the early part of the film. They clearly resented her because she was younger and more attractive, and probably because she got a similar-paying job without nearly as much experience.
