MovieChat Forums > Erin Brockovich (2000) Discussion > Scene that was so annoying and not real

Scene that was so annoying and not real

was when the female lawyer said after complimenting her that there were a few holes in her research and then we had to hear that annoying rant of phone number and diseases. So she knew 600 plaintiffs (or whatever amount) phone numbers by heart, and is disgusted with the lawyer working the case for saying the numbers weren't in the file. Basically, this idiot (EB) is saying that when the new lawyers want to do any research they need to call her and get the phone number of a particular plaintiff or they can call 411 and try and get it themselves. Right there, she came across as an angry lunatic. In the real world, the female lawyer would smirk and it would be a non-issue. Total idiotic scene that should have been left out of the movie. It just made Erin Brockavich more unlikable.


The thing is, Erin didn't include phone numbers, because she DIDN'T KNOW someone else would be taking the case over. She didn't know that was to happen. When she started out, it was just her and if its only you doing the case and handling the case, you have your own way and system. Who knew that they would be partnered? How was Erin supposed to know that? She was already pissed off that someone else would be doing her work, and now she had someone speak down to her. I think her reaction was completely and totally understandable, if you truly think about it.



>> To Erin, these people were statistics and Erin resented the fact that this lawyer was being so cold and seemingly uncaring about the whole thing. <<

Which is why Brockovich and her firm kept most of the money won from their fraudulent and unscientific case to themselves, right?



I dont think the lawyer meant to insult Erin in anyway.So Erin was totally in the wrong.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


I hope that didn't actually happen. Her reaction was not only completely over the top, but it was absolutely rude. The other attorney did not deserve that reaction.

to/too - their/they're - through/threw...any questions?


I hate how people on this board are trying to rationalize Erin's bad manners.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


It's low-subtlety Soderbergh. This is one of those films where the protagonist gets free reign as far as throwing her weight around. I didn't mind it. That being said, yes, there's no substitute for a lawyer being 100% thorough in the fact-finding and research in anticipation of litigation.
