MovieChat Forums > Erin Brockovich (2000) Discussion > Question about her officemates

Question about her officemates

Did they really treat her like that? I am very liberal minded about most things but the character (in the movie at least) DID dress like a total tramp, can understand why she was shunned in the office. She made it clear she thought she was better than anyone else. I wonder if the real EB was that terrible a person in real life.


I was wondering how a single mom of three with no skills could afford that wardrobe. And in the scene where she gets the $2 million bonus, she's wearing a bustier, for God's sake. Uh, no. Just no. There's something called appropriate dress for the workplace, and that was not it.

When you think of garbage, think of Hakim!


I can tell you that her wardrobe doesn't look like it cost much. Back then, 90's, she probably did a lot of shopping at Susie's Deals, Forever 21, and other low cost wardrobe stores. You could get a whole wardrobe, including costume jewelry that doesn't look that bad from far for $25.00. Erin (movie and real) probably did her shopping at those stores. I remember when I was younger and had low paying jobs, those stores were lifesavers for me.

Knock if off Napolean make yourself a dang quesadil-la!
