What did Donna mean...

...when she said something about her being so used to 'em coming up benign - what coming up benign? I'm so confused..

You hugged a guy in a dog suit?!?


Her lumps/test results - coming up benign. There are 2 types of lumps in cancer related fields such as this. Benign, and Malignant. Benign is NON-cancerous, and is just a lump, meaning its not cancerous, not dangerous. Malignant IS Cancerous, thats the word you dread hearing about if you are waiting on test results of a lump. It means positive for Cancer. Donna was talking about the lumps in her breast, how she's had many and they've all turned out benign (non-cancerous) and she got used to it, but obviously she just got some results back and it said...Malignant. It was a shock to her. She just found out she had cancer.


Oh ok thanks I just got really confused.. I thought it might have had something to do with her lumps but I had no idea lol thanks.

You hugged a guy in a dog suit?!?


That's true but not the complete story. She says something like "If you have no breasts and no uterus, you're still a woman, right?", which means that in order to keep the cancer from spreading, her breasts and uterus were removed. It's difficult enough to be diagnosed with cancer, but all the more terrible to deal with important and extremely feminine body features being cut out/off.

"Yeah well that may be, but at least I never slept with Lumbergh."


I thought that was such a touching bit. The "No breasts no uterus" part.

The only tired I was, was tired of giving in.
-Rosa Parks


Yeah, Marg did an excellent acting job in this movie. Very realistic.


Actually if you pay attention and look closely you will see that Donna is wearing bandages under her dress/nightgown. She has already at that point had both her breasts removed.

Which is what she means when says she wishes that she had more time to get used to the idea of not having them.... which means that the cancer must have been pretty aggressive and developed if they rushed and took them BOTH right away ....

Also if you notice that is her husband throwing rocks and screaming at the PG&E plant right before that scene.


I was used to have the cysts all over my body being benign too. even one on my breast. Had them removed anyway just to be cautious. Being cautious saved my life. I had a cyst on my thyroid and one half of the thyroid was quite enlarged. As it turns out it had cancerous cells in it and I needed treatments as well as having my other half removed.
cysts are so much fun...

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!


It's not that the cancer was suddenly aggressive, it was that all the lumps/cysts she'd already had, likely were cancerous, but because the doctors were being paid by PG&E, those doctors lied to her and told her she was fine. So the cancer spread and spread and spread until a real doctor told her the truth. The fact is, she's lucky to still be alive after all of that.
