Nothing worse than a loud mouthed , tacky bitch who loves to hear herself talk. I didn't think she had a character to be proud of . Nothing extraordinary there . What was Masry's problem ? She was an embarrassment to the company if that's what they saw when they came in the door. The way she would speak to Masry's employees , c'mon, who else would have kicked her ass besides me ? The way she talked to George and how selfish she was when her neighbor , the hispanic lady, told her she was moving in with her daughter so she couldn't babysit for her anymore . What a selfish ^$%^&& ! I would not like this person !
In fairness, a couple of your points are unfair and wrong. Masry's employees (the women at least) where stuck up bitches who looked down on Erin and thought she was dirt. From them not passing on Erin's messages to Ed in the first place, to not welcoming her to the firm. Their disdain, stand-offishness, their resentment of her and her dress, not doing the decent thing and inviting her to lunch with them, not helping her with something when she (and politely) asked for some help from one of her colleagues ("Erin, you've been here long enough [what, 2 weeks?] if you can't figure out what you do with that, then I'm not about to help you")-charming! The glares, cold sholder, the freezing out - WHO CAN BLAME HER?!?? Seriously, who can blame her for the way she talked to those stuck-up bitchy gossip ladies in the office, who offered no help, no courtesy, and even watched as she struggled to open a dorr with her arms full (in the cut scenes I think) and they all stood there, staring, and offered no help! Erin may not have been the easiest person to get along with, but the office ladies didn't even try to get to know her. They were real cold-hearted stuck-up bitches that showed Erin no friendship, no courtesy, nothing but glares and icy reactions. If I were Ed, and my fellow office staff treated a new employee like that, those bitchy women would have been fired!
I don't get what you mean about the Hispanic lady. Erin didn't say ANYTHING when the lady told her, she just nodded and smiled. We only saw that lady for around 5 seconds, so I think you are getting confused with the 'chicken-fat lady' who Erin was furious with. Who could blame a mother for that? She goes to the house, not even a note there. She goes home and starts looking for the children and panicking. Her reaction to the chicken fat lady is understandable.
What I'm saying is that Erin has enough faults and flaws, without blaming her for things that are not her fault, are normal reactions and attributing things to her that simply isn't fair.
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I think overall the whole movie cast a negative light on Erin Brockvich. It showed how selfish she was. The scene that sticks out the most if when her boyfriend is leaving her. She talks about how good it feels to get respect. She doesn't mention how the job has helped her to take care of kids until after that.
I think people on this board should read John Stossel's Give Me a Break. There is a section that talks about Erin Brockvich and it may give you a different opinion on the whole situation.
I agree with you! I actually used to work in an office at a medical center where the other office staff (all women) would NEVER invite me to lunch with them or be friendly to me at all. One time I asked the supervisor, who was the ringleader of this group of tw*ts, a work-related question and she bit my head off and said she wasn't going to answer any more of my questions, because I'd been there long enough. I was so miserable at that job that I finally resigned and I never worked in an office setting again. I'm a woman, but don't like working around other women. It's not a good combination!
the point the writers make by showing erin's "flaws" is that no one, no matter how angelic their acts & intentions, is perfect. erin is likeable to many because of her contrasting personality traits: brash, flashy & foul-mouthed but dedicated, honest & kind hearted.
It is worth knowing something about what went on in the real case. Though this story isn't an implication of Erin Brockovich's personality, it does shed a lot of light on how Ed Masry and the other attorneys involved treated the people of Hinkley and how Brockovich herself ignored them after getting her cut of the loot. What is most concerning is how she has persuaded all these people to settle for binding arbitration, which allows lawyers to get even richer than in actual court cases and the defendants, like PG&E, are allowed to cover their misdeeds up as opposed to having them be discussed in open court.