SPOILER: What about the cat?
I've just watched Romance, and found it to be an ordinary French art film. I don't see what all the fuss was about. If the film provoked controversy, the only reason I can see for that is that some people think it is inappropriate for women to portray their attitude toward sex in movies: all representation of sex in movies must be from the male point of view.
But I digress. When Marie was leaving the apartment to give birth, after having opened the valves on the gas stove, there was a shot of a white cat sleeping comfortably on the bed. So she killed not only her boy friend, but also this cat, which had made no appearance before.
So what was the point of introducing the cat as victim? Marie had a justification to kill her boy friend: he had rejected her as a lover, even though he wanted to live with her. But she couldn't have been justified in killing the cat. So the only reason I can think of for introducing the victimized cat is that the the film maker wanted to distance herself from the character of Marie.
Anyone have any other ideas?