MovieChat Forums > Romance (1999) Discussion > Moral of the story......

Moral of the story......

...women need a good *beep* every once in a while or they go crazy.


here's my moral - only the french could make such a dull, unrealistic movie about sex.


I like you moral shh-3 :). Mine would be: don't finance sshhiitt scripts they make sshhiitt films.



My moral: if your girlfriend doesn't like you, she could blow you up in your appartment

"Ignorance is bliss"


She simply went too far. If a woman doesn't hit her man once in a while, then she doesn't like him. The passion makes us do that and without passion you have a loveless (modern day American style) marriage. She simply lost control and killed him; almost inadvertantly (if you men can follow my female reasoning).


The moral of the story is that if you're a French feminist you can get away with making a movie like this which would get any male director strung up by his gonads.

Actually though, this movie is a lot more accessible than the director's other movies since at least the sexually self-destructive women is an adult rather than an adolescent (check out "36 Fillete" or "To My Sister", or better yet don't, unless you have a thing for borderline pedophilia).

I would respect the bravery of the director at least, even if her films were not the exact opposite of fun, but she always manages to cast very attractive woman (or suspiciously mature-looking adoloscents)and gets them naked far more than is necessary to the plot. This movie might worked if the actress was not what we Americans like to call "smoking hot". I don't think a girl who looked like this would be sexually rejected by anyone and, if she was, she certainly wouldn't have to resort to middle-aged bondage freaks or vagabonds she picked up off the street.

Is Breillat a brave feminist art director or a sexploitative sleaze merchant and pervert baiter? Only her mother knows for sure.

Exterminate the Brutes!


Smoking hot ? You gotta be kidding... Personally, I don't find her attractive; French women are not that pretty or special. As for "middle-aged bondage freaks or vagabonds she picked up off the street", some women are quite twisted. They wouldn't even need to be rejected to be motivated to do the weird thing she does, they might do it out of curiosity, or, go figure, pleasure.


I know the "freedom fries" crowd is still mad at the French because they were right and George W. Bush was wrong about Iraq, but don't take it out on hot French girls! Seriously, there are attractive girls in any country, and personally I much prefer an attractive girl with a French accent to an attractive girl with a Texas or dumb Southern one(even if none of them can really speak English).

This girl might not be to everyone's taste, but you have admit she's not exactly average-looking. You're right that even a very good-looking girl could certainly be this sexually twisted. The problem is that it's difficult as a male viewer to empathize with a female character when she's so often naked and sexually objectified. I just kind wonder what Breillat's intention is--is she going for pathos or erotism. For me, at least, those two things don't really go together.


nice one!!


"here's my moral - only the french could make such a dull, unrealistic movie about sex."

Pretty much. I want the two hours of my life back. What a waste of time.



Moral of the story: All women are weak-willed, irrational, and possess zero self esteem. All men are predators.

Thanks Catherine!



Moral? Bitches be crazy.

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)
