MovieChat Forums > Romance (1999) Discussion > I am shocked at how many women like this

I am shocked at how many women like this

It's a feminist story that is shown in a misogynistic manor.

"Never eat yellow snow"


Well, I haven't met a woman yet who liked this movie. Besides, I'm a woman myself and I thought it was a stupid movie. "Most sexual explicit art film ever" Well I don't know what they were pointing at, but the only thing they showed explicit was the birth of a baby, which is disgusting and what you don't want to see in a 'sexual' movie (allright, they also showed some dix and lots of pubic hair, yummie),


You must have seen the VHS version Kimville because the DVD director's cut has serveral explicit scenes including: 2 scences of men going down on women, actually penetration (with gentalia and fingers) and actually fellatio.


It's not a sexual movie. It's a movie about sexuality. And you can't have one without showing some. And I thought it was brilliantly executed.

The birth of the child at the end (and the death of one of the characters) brings it all together for me. Sex is about life, being alive, giving life etc.


its just a pretentious, humourless piece of *beep*

i have no problem with the subject matter, or even in the manner in which it is presented (i thought it was quite tame for the hype I had heard about it), i just think its a badly made, ridiculous movie.


I disagree. I liked the movie a lot! I think the film takes fantasies that most women have and brings them into reality. All the things that the main character does is what most women fantasize or think about at one time or another. And sometimes it's ugly and stupid. And most women won't admit that.

If I had a nickel for every cigarette your mom smoked, I'd be dead.


I agree totally. Men just don't understand.


Oh, but some do. And we have our own "secret" fantasies too, you know...


I know; I was married for twenty years to a man. You men are so naive, but oh you are so romantic too! Still, if you only knew what women are thinking......


Men don't give a *beep* what women are thinking!! Women obsess about what men are thinking, that's the real difference between the genders.


Well, it is obvious you have never had a woman.



Um yes we have had women and are most likely in a relationship. You call us nieve but saying we don't know what women are thinking. I think its nieve to assume we actually speculate about you are thinking.


I'm a woman and I really liked the movie. True, it was very slow in some areas. I thought the lead actress did a very good job of acting. She was so detached throughout it all, including the sex scenes and I can relate to it.

I think the reason why her boyfriend wouldn't have sex with her was just because he wasn't into it, just like some women aren't and will try to avoid having to have it.


Whatever your gender or how much experience you may have had with the opposite sex, you're a fool to make sweeping generalizations about almost half the population (men)or more than the population (women). I am shocked personally at how many HUMAN BEINGS liked this movie, but there's no accounting for taste.

I'm a man (last time I checked anyway) and as such I certainly like arty European sex films like "Sexo y Lucia" (a film kind of like this but minus the tiresome feminist diatribes). On the other hand, I have no problem with films that make sex look ugly and unappealing--I'd direct all the arthouse snobs to a REALLY disturbing 70's exploitation film called "Toys Are Not for Children" which makes this movie look like a Renee Zellweger romantic comedy. What was annoying about this movie is that it really tried to have it both ways, casting a glamorous fantasy object in the lead and giving her a lot of erotic sex and nude scenes but then trying to pretend this is somehow a realistic movie about women who are sexually-deprived emotional basketcases. Am I supposed to cry or get turned on here?

Exterminate the Brutes!


I'm watching this movie now and I am surprised it scored so low. This movie is all about the mental side of sexuality. Sex isn't all about the act of sex, but what is going on in the mind. And I TOTALLY agree with your comment (above) that so many movies portray a woman not being interested in sex; it was a refreshing change (and not so unlikely) that it is a man that is disinterested. It is the idea that men NEED sex more than woman do, that they confused needing sex with love that this director is disputing amoung so many other myths ... He is tortured; she is tortured ...

I adore this woman - she is terrific in this film - walking around disinterested in life; love; and sex - she needs it all so very much but she fears being seduced by it all for if she did - maybe then she wouldn't be able to love her boyfriend - and she does - she truly does LOVE him so --- she is tormented by her love for him.

So many women want to be forced into doing what they alone can not admit to themselves - the appeal of the domination. The confident, dominate man TAKES what he wants - and we will serve him --- takes a step back from feminism ---- but in a sense it does not - for we ultimately get what we desire. The act of making it about his power over a woman, the ultimate in masuclinity ... that we can give that to them - this is our power - and isn't ours more so than his. But alas, it is us women who suffer for it - tortured by it, seduced by our own power.

That doesn't make much sense but it is late and the words are sticking to my brain ... I usually need help with my thoughts


*How can it be that I..didn’t exist before...and...someday I...will no longer be who I am?



I enjoyed this film although it was slow at some points. I watched the director's cut and many shots just lingered far too long. Also, there were a few unanswered questions for me, such as why her boyfriend refused to have sex with her. It was weakly explained that he associated her sexuality to being something negative. In a sense for me, he represented a greater body of people who associate female sexuality as something negative. Women aren't suppose to be sexual, they are mothers, wives and sisters. Yet, I was enthralled by the storm of emotions and thoughts she was having. I can sympathize because I've been in those places too. It's refreshing to see it represented on film. Few films ever come close to capturing it.


I'm a little late responding to this thread, but, after having seen the film I also wanted to add my two cents in.
I watched this film with my hubby last night, and to be quite frank- from the hoopla I had read about it online (especially here), I was expecting something a LOT more extreme. I was expecting her to take several lovers, do horrible degrading things and some how attempt to be noble about it all. Instead what I found, personally speaking- was the tale of a woman and a man in the single most disfunctional relationship I have ever seen portayed on screen. A couple whom constantly is cruel and detached from one another. Both dispassionate, both only there out of some kind of obsession that they think is love.
Now yes she cheats, which is inexcusable in any form- but her internal dialouge running through the film- it almost makes her seem scizophrenic.
What she says on the inside is SO easily related to by numerous women. I sat there in awe, saying to myself "Oh Dear- I have felt/feel that way too sometimes..."
But then the things she does in her reality, the things she says- it is such a huge contradiction to the things she feels and thinks.
If she came close to loving anyone in the film, it was Robert, the Master she begins seeing for Domination sessions.
I also feel the very strong need to compliment the screenwriter and director on a fantastic potrayal of how a Master SHOULD be. not how they always are, or how people run off and act- but how they should be. Bravo.

Killing Paul in the end was a surprise. I was under the impression they reconciled. I was also a bit disturbed by the birth scene. Not that I have never given birth, but the child was far too blue, and the amniotic fluid way to dicoloured. I am wondering if they used footage from a stillbirth or something similar for the film. That was not footage of a healthy baby at live birth. I've given birth... the fluid is more like watered down tomato juice and the baby is more pink. MUCH more pink...

Regardless i thought the film was funny. Maybe it shouldn't have been funny, and I have a terrible sense of humour, but i found it funny. I was disappointed all the way from the story line to the action to the acting, but I saw it, and had a few opinions. I hope some people find this post interesting.

Oh yes- and did I find it humiliating as a woman? No. I found it sad and touching as a woman. The feminist in me was a little shocked, but we all have different feelings on feminisim then don't we?


I think this must be said b/c i feel that many people are seeing this movie so that can get of on it: THIS IS NOT A PORNO!!!! DO NOT EXPECT THIS MOVIE TO BE ALL ABOUT HAVING SEX IT IS NOT!!! This movie goes soooo much deeper than that! breaking-pretty I could not have put it better myself! Too many people think this movie is bad, the reason being is b/c it is not simply sex despite all the hubbub about the sex scenes. Now I'm not saying this is the only reason you people didn't like it. I understand that many people just don't like this type of movie (but if that is the case then why did you watch it?). But I know the feeling of the let down b/c I felt the same way the first time I watched a Catherine Breillat movie. However I rewatched it and saw the true essence of the film. It is all about the script and the ideas these characters have not the sex they have. The sexual scenes further these ideas and are in truth not all that graphic (at least not what you're expecting). You must focus on the ideas the characters express if you want to see the beauty of the film.



i'm more shocked that ANYONE would like this movie.


Some decent acting. Some good cinematography. Overall? A pretentious pile of doo doo. An excuse for wannabe intellectuals to use words like "brave", "daring", "empowering", and "provocative", and for men-haters disguised as feminists to get on their soapbox and tell men about how they "don't get it"(apparently it's some victory for feminism that she kills her boyfriend instead of just dumping the clod), and for people to proclaim how sophisticated they are (yawn) all the while denying that the reason they watched it in the first place was for the sex.




I fail to see how this can be described as feminist at all. Just because it's a film about a woman who has sexual desire (ironically she is never shown to actually enjoy sex)?

The protagonist is a complete loser, she lacks the backbone to break up with the boyfriend (the fact that she kills him at the end proves that he had to be dead for her to leave the relationship), she doesn't know what she wants, and acts the perpetual victim despite using her voice to make her own damning choices.

It's a typical French film where the main focus is men trying to figure out what a woman wants, and a woman who is artificially complex not knowing what she herself wants - the only new thing is that it's told from the point of view of the woman. Honestly, throughout the film all I wanted to do was punch the b**** in the head.


I'm pretty late to the Romance bandwagon but I more closely agree with Forgot_to_be_human's take on the movie. The only empowerment I saw was a woman who finally took the courage to explore her sexuality but I felt she was kinda doing the "I want my cake and eat it too" thing by cheating on her boyfriend and still wanting that sturdy family life with him. He was a loser plain and simple, who didn't care about her wants and needs, and put himself before anything. He wanted love from everyone and made her seem crazy because she got a little jealous every time he whored himself around the dance floor. Why did she stay with him? Love. Sure. Whatever. Why did she want to have a baby with someone that didn't love her fully? to me she just was just another stupid dumb bit*h who couldn't gather herself up to leave this inconsiderate douche. And then after having a baby with his man she kills HIM AND THE CAT. He was a douche but he never beat her or hurt her or forced her to stay. Did she have to take the easy way out and kill them and blow up the damn apartment?

I thought the actress did a fine job and I understand what it was trying to say but for the most part I wasn't impressed. Artsy French film full of it's own message.



I liked the film up till the ending.
Then I hated her.

She actually looked at the cat on the bed, apparently thought nothing of it, and then left both creatures to die. For me that negates any point of view she might have had and just reduces her to just another uber-narcissist.


I have the same feeling about Virginie Despente's Bais Moi which is ultimatelyvile sexploitation posing as feminism.


I feel mixed about the film overall but I liked the lead actress. She was a strong presence. The use of colour, lighting and staging of the scenes between Marie and Robert were really good and aesthetic.

In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer
