MovieChat Forums > Freaks and Geeks (1999) Discussion > Who's Your Favorite Character?

Who's Your Favorite Character?

I'm always interested to see who gravitates toward which character(s) in a cult series like this.

My favorite is Bill. There's just something oddly charming about his geekiness.

Then I like Harrison. He's hilarious.


When I first watched this show, I gravitated towards Daniel, he seemed so cool when I was younger. Now, I'd have to say bill, for the same reason you mentioned, and nick. Nick just seems like the most genuine character, out of the freaks at least.


Definitely Nick. He's kind, good-looking, warm and sincere.

Tied with Jeff Rosso, whom I find hilarious - fantastic timing, funny lines, and also he genuinely cares about the students without being a pushover.

Also a big fan of Harold Weir. Great comic timing; he reminds me of Walter Matthau.


Nick!He is just such a nice guy.He seems like he can get along with anyone.He was just fun and funny and deep down a really sweet person.



Bill is the one I most enjoy watching onscreen. Nick is probably the most likable in some other sense, just because he tries so hard ... and the poor guy clearly could use some help.


This is hard. Lindsay or Kim. I didn't like Kim at first, but now I do. I do like Neal. I'll say Lindsay


Nick is my fave freak. Neal is my fave geek.



The Dad. He always cracked me up whenever he was on screen.

There is no tolerance for politics, in the White House.


Favorite freak: Daniel. If I were at that school I would have a major crush on him. Favorite geek: Bill. He's hilarious! My favorite line of his is when he's talking to Sam about pooping instead of farting and having to throw away his underwear ahahaha. And that whole scene of him getting ready to go out for Halloween as the bionic woman. Favorite other character: The dad. He's funny without even realizing it.

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